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    Fate – Chapter 10

    "Jesus Betteeeee!! AHH YESSS!!!"

    Tina’s hips were completely lifted off the bed as she screamed out her lover’s name while her orgasm hit. After several moments, her body collapsed onto the bed and placed a hand over her chest to feel her fast beating heart.

    "My . . God"

    Tina squirmed as she felt Bette’s tongue leave her and smiled when the brunette crawled up her body. Bette grinned and laid soft kisses on both of Tina’s cheeks then finally her lips.

    "How was that?"

    After taking Tina fast the first time, Bette made sure to slowly make love to Tina the second time around. She took her time with Tina, savoring every inch of that delectable body.

    Tina lazily opened her eyes and sighed happily, "Amazing. I still can’t decide if I like it slow or fast yet"

    Bette laughed, "Maybe another round will help you make your decision"

    Tina chuckled, "Maybe but we’ll see to that later"

    Bette raised an eyebrow as Tina somehow found the strength to roll them over. She knew Bette was on edge but still had taken such good care of her. Tina wanted to thank her properly, she was desperate for it.

    She held Bette’s face in her hands as she kissed her deeply. She moaned as she tasted herself on Bette’s tongue, sucking on it and earning a moan from the brunette.

    She licked and kissed down Bette’s body, sampling both nipples eagerly. She was unsure what to do at first but she remembered Bette’s words and did whatever felt good to her in hopes of it feeling good to her lover. Upon hearing the gasps and moans from Bette, Tina smirked and continued.

    Soon Bette was writing and moaning underneath her and Tina crawled up the brunette’s body. She looked deep into her eyes, darkened with lust. She looked confused, aroused and eager. Bette panted and cupped Tina’s face.

    "Are you okay?"

    Tina nodded, "I . . I want to taste you"

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    1. I think it was sometime between mmmh & ahh Tina when you fell Bette. But then again Tina had me at “you have 2 misses calls” I love reading Sunday posts. Just chilling or pooling in some cases, but hanging with the girls on a Sunday afternoon. Thanks Liah!!!!

    2. BTW Liah, the Drama Queens of the Stone Age is small family, but they pack the wrath of God with their mighty posts. Many readers have fallen never to return to the site because of one heart breaking chapter. Others brave through carpal tunnel in search of reprieve. Such is the legacy of the Drama Queens of the Stone Age. Mwahahahaha!!!! Was that too dramatic?

    3. love this too… but when they do come up for air… tina needs to tell bette all that was bothering her… and lets hope eric doesn’t find that guy again and try to change FATE one more time… pps

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