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    Group reconnecting – Chapter 8 – Seperated Friends

    It was monday, three days after Shane’s Party
    Normally on Saturday they were going out, but Bette and Tina decided to stay home, to do a little sweet lovin’ till Kit knocked on the door. Dana had to practise tennis in the afternoon and was too tired to go out, Lara came over and stayed with Dana. Alice had to do some roving reporter stuff of the do’s and dont’s with clothes, which pair of jeans were hot, which were out? This was not what Alice wanted but she had too. Shane was alone… after she woke up saw Alice driving away, all she did was thinking, She had to work for an couple of hours but though..She almost screwed up someone’s hair because she was thinking of that sweet soft body next to her stroking her hair, her cheeks, her belly, and so on. The person didn’t noticed a thing, all she said was excellent, good job and thank you.

    so monday…

    “Al? we need to talk, come on, please call me back when you hear this, bye.”
    Shane hung up the phone trying to call Alice but no answer.. ‘we need to talk’ she said, but she wasn’t sure about what, she wasn’t even sure what was happening, her best friend didn’t leave Shane’s mind for a second. But was it love? it’s kinda logical that you think a lot, about the person you had ***** with, if that person is your best friend for years, so it wasn’t love? No.. ***** there was something different this time, she thought, of course she noticed all the sweet, loving and annoying things about Alice before, but now she was thinking about it all the time, so she needed to talk… right? she also hated the fact that they hadn’t spoke with each other for three days.
    ***** drama damn… she thought

    “Hey! thanks for calling me back, so how was your weekend with miss perkins?”
    “Great.. it was.. yeah great”
    “well good for you Dane.. “
    “so where are you now Al? cause I’m at the planet, maybe..”
    “yeah sure be there in 10minutes have to work in an hour so”
    “okay great, see ya soon”

    Alice hung up the phone, she knew Shane had called her, but what was she supposed to do, ‘well I could just call her and ask if she comes join Dana and me like friends’ just being best friends and pretend nothing happend? yeah right… Al.. something happened that night between you and Shane’ she thought but she wasn’t quiet sure what. She grabbed her coat and drove off to the planet

    —– At The planet

    “Okay bye baby I’ll see you tomorrow?
    “Yes you do” Lara kissed Dana one more time before she went off to her work.
    “Bye!” she waved to Dana, Bette and Tina and Lara walked out.
    Guys? you want another one?
    “No I’m fine!”
    “No thanks Dane I’ll need to go too, am having a meeting in an hour with the daughter of Peggy Peabody” Bette said giving Tina a kiss, waved goodbye and gone was Bette.
    Dana asked for another coffee, and checked her watch, and then Alice walked in

    “Hey guys! goodmorning”
    “Hey Al!”
    “Morning Al..”
    Alice took the seat next to Tina, after she ordered an capucinno
    “So… had a good weekend? She asked to Tina and Dana
    Dana nodded, and Tina enthousiasticly told them about her weekend
    the coffee and cappucino where put on table by a waitress, Alice took a zip of her capucinno as Dana asked: “So…… What on earth happened between you and Shane?”
    hearing the question Alice spit out the capucinno on the table, making Tina burst into laughter.
    “ehm well I mean yeah we kissed, we were a little drunk and just well yeah, you know, it happened, it was just for fun Okay? now let’s talk about some…”
    Her eyes melt away as she saw Shane walking in, ***** as always, waving to her friends, ordering a drink and took the seat next to Dana.
    “Speak about the devil”
    “What?” Shane asked
    “No I was just asking Alice what happened between you two..”
    “Oh well we just kissed that was obvious, Alice was drunk a little too much later we went to my room and I let her sleep in my bed, Shane lied, and Alice was relieved that Shane gave almost the same answer as she did.
    And the conversation changed but Alice didn’t look at Shane’s eyes neither did Shane. They were just sitting there as friends..

    *7 minutes before*

    Outside the planet

    *****, she problaby sit inside with the rest.. what am I going to do?’ She asked herself, leaning against the wall, closing her eyes for a second.
    her body moves the same rythm as her friends hand is between her inner thighs, feeling her wetness
    *End Flash*
    Her eyes shot open and Shane shook her head
    ‘We can be just friends, right? I mean *****, it was just *****, I mean nothing has to change between us’ and she walked into the planet, not knowing things already has been changed

    Evening – Poker night at B&T

    “Show me what ya got?”
    Bette threw her cards on the table ‘Full House!!!!!!!!!!’
    *****” Shane looked at the cards, giving her peanuts to Bette.
    As did Alice, looking a littttttttttle pissed off that she lost for the third time
    “All Mine… all mine” Bette said in a scary tone, and they all burst into laughter

    Lara, Dana, Alice, Bette, Tina, and Shane were in the living room, and Alice stood up
    “Okay anyone drinks?”
    “No I’ll do it” Tina said.
    ***** down Kennard” Alice demanded “First off I don’t mind getting the drink, second off my ***** is getting hard thanks to the floor.. god…” and she headed off to the kitchen
    she heard footsteps while she was pouring the drinks and a husky voice said
    “Hey let me help ya” and she grabbed the other glas which Alice was holding, and she felt her hand.
    Alice looked at the glass and then to Shane who was looking at her both holding the same glass
    “Guys!?” Tina yelled “I’ll have a coke light”
    Hearing the voice was a slap in the face and Alice let go of the glass, as did Shane and the pieces of glass flew on the ground
    “Sorry My mistake” Alice yelled to the livingroom
    “Alice we need to talk.
    “Not now Shane, later” her voice soft, and her head to the floor
    “Later.. Okay?” She took a few drinks and headed off to the livingroom, Shane followed, a little disspointed, she really needed to talk, they talked, they laughed but not with each other, normally they were making fun of everyone, both have a great feeling for sarcasm, but now, they almost didn’t even look at each other.

    “Hey Alice how did your article worked out? what did you had to do?”Lara asked intresting
    “Oh please, don’t talk about this now, it was aweful, I had to find the do’s and don’t of clothes, I saw the weirdest clothes and people you can imagine, I rather talk about nipple confidence” She laughed thinking of that conversation which was an year ago, talking about the nipple confidence of Shane… Nipples!!!!

    she saw her friend laying on bed naked, she kissed her on the mouth and her tongue slides down, to her nipples, she sucked on her nipple and her hand stroked the other one..
    *End Flash*

    After Poker game number five, they stopped and started an conversation, Shane wen outside for a smoke
    Alice saw Shane walking out and after a few minutes she went outside too, saw her friend sitting on the edge of the pool, with her feets playing in the water.
    Shane looked to the left looking at Alice
    “You wanted to talk?” sitting next to Shane staring at the water
    “Yeah well yeah… I mean I don’t like this, we’re both here but we don’t say anything to each other, ignoring each other, you didn’t even called me back when I asked you, just because of friday night? We’re friends Alice!”
    “Okay I know what you mean, I’m sorry for not calling you back, I’m confused Shane, and I have no ***** idea why?”
    “So am I but… Alice?” for a minute they looked at each other almost touching each others hands
    Alice caught herself wanting Shane to kiss her, it scared the ***** outta her
    “No nevermind, not importnant” Shane stared back at the water

    “Look we were friend and we still are friends, right? even if there was more between us, rather stay friends than change in a relationship right? it happened and it will not happen again, right?”
    “Right!” Alice said with a light tone of dissapointment, but Shane was right, she rather stayed friends with Shane.

    Okay well let’s go inside, and play poker again.
    and they headed back inside joining there friends…


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