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    Group reconnecting – Chapter 9 – Confusing

    Some weeks later after the weird little conversation with Alice Shane went back to her old habits and she started to like it again, her feelings for Alice were became less. But she did started to drink more than usual.
    On saturday night she went to milk and saw Dana and Lara hugging and kissing each other at a table far in the corner almost dark

    She wanted to go over there but when she saw lara closing her eyes and leaning back she leaned at a pole and watched them ‘what where they doing?’
    Dana’s right hand moved between lara’s inner thigh and kissing her neck and whispering something
    Shane’s eyes grew wide and a grin came on her mouth “Nice going Dana! whoa” she said to herself and she went to the bar smiling.
    “One scotch…nahhh give me 2″
    “Coming up” the cute bartender said smiling at Shane
    She looked around at all those women, she had most of them and she couldn’t get enough, ‘if i can’t have love, i’ll have *****
    She saw someone came out of the bathroom, someone she didn’t knew, wearing a tight pair of black jeans, dark blonde hair and another blond color, kinda coupe soleil or something, and a sleeveless shirt, and when she came closer Shane noticed she had light green eyes, Shane almost choked on her scotch when she saw that, she also thought the girl must been around the ago of 20. The girl came to the bar next to Shane and ordered a drink, she looked for her wallet and before she had it the husky voice said:
    “Don’t bother I’ll pay”
    The girl looked at her, smiled and said: “No thank you, I’ll pay for my own”
    Shane didn’t knew what to say and just nodded, the girl left to the dancefloor and started to dance with another woman, while Shane just watched.
    Suddenly she saw Alice who looked terrible came in with Tina, and quickly she turned her head away, but Tina noticed Shane at the bar and went to her.
    “Hey Hey Casanova” Tina said teasing her friend, she loved the nickname for Shane it was so true, Shane is an attractive woman and someone who just had to snap her fingers and she had a girl on her side.
    “Hey you guys” she gave Tina and Alice a kiss and ordered another drink, after feeling Alice warm cheeks to hers.
    “So… on the hunt tonight?” Tina said
    “I’m always on the hunt”
    “Yeah… noticed that” Alice said with an light tone or sarcasm, and Shane looked down at her drink not meeting Alice’s eyes
    Shane thought to herself that Alice didn’t looked well, her eyes were dark and she looked tired, she was affraid that that was her fault.
    In the 15minutes her friends were sitting next to her Alice had already 3alcoholic drinks down her throat
    “Hey where are Lara and Dana?”
    ***** each other problaby” Alice said almost jealous, she was having a hard time first Dana, now Shane, is she having feelins for both? she was so confused.
    “Well yeah you’re right a half hour ago I saw them right there in the corner and Miss Fairbanks well.. let me just say, thumbs up for Dane”
    “Jesus I believe they ***** more than you do Shane” Alice said laughing feeling already the alcohol spinning in her head
    “Are you sure on that?”
    Shane laughed at the comments of her friends
    “Be right back” Alice said already leaving to the bathroom. Tina looked at the blonde and she had a worried look on her face, turning back to Shane
    “Is she alright?” Shane asked also worried
    “I don’t know, she looks like a wreck”
    “yeah I saw that, she seems to drink a lot today”
    “she is not the only huh Shane?”
    some minutes later Tina and Shane were enjoying the music while Alice still hasn’t came back
    “Hey guys!!!” Dana yelled out loud walking to her friends with lara, “where’s Alice?” she asked a little too curious
    Tina pointed to the Bathroom
    “Man I gotta take a visit too” Shane said, her eyes searching for the girl she saw earlier, heading for the toilet

    She opened the door, and saw Alice sitting on the floor, head between her legs.
    “Al… what’s wrong?” her tone soft, worried.
    Alice looked up and her red eyes were noticed by her friend, she cried.
    “Nothing Shane just let me sit here” but Shane already sat next to her, her eyes searching for Alice but she turned away
    “Al.. tell me come on.. you can tell me.. is it about what happened? I mean… I’m your friend Al…… *****… just tell me!” she pleaded
    Alice lifted up her head a little turning at Shane, her voice soft: “I don’t know… am so confused.. i’m having a headache though”
    “What are you confused about?”
    “Dana I think… God I really don’t know can’t have feelings for her and now the thing with you it felt great to be touched by you, to be kissed by you …but it’s also because i never knew that side of you and always was a little curious to that and now I just..” Alice rambled on and on, a tear appeared on her cheek.
    “Whoa wait… okay so…let me think…. okay…. I don’t get it” Shane intterupted trying to understand what her friend was saying
    “Smartass” Alice said while let out a small laugh
    “I know” Shane smiled
    “I kissed her…again” Alice said, her head low in shame
    “two days ago… she came over to my house before going to the planet, god i’m so screwed and I also don’t know what to think of our private party Shane what the heck was that?”
    “Alice that’s okay.. it was just once, gotta admit I thought i felt more for you after that but it was like you said, i never knew that side of you and actually kinda liked it, you’re almost as hot as me in bed” Shane teased trying to make her friend smile, but this was weird trying to make her friend feel better after what happened between them but after all Alice is her best friend and she wanted to keep it that way and nothing more..
    “Look just leave this for what it is okay, we’re friends nothing can ***** that.. come on let’s get out of here”
    She grabbed her friend and wanted to leave the toilet but Alice took her hand and hugged her, Shane closed her eyes for a sec. hoping that having friends were not becoming as difficult as love.

    An few hours later
    “Okay guys see ya later” She waved her friends goodbye, leaving with a blonde girl who was even more drunk as Shane.
    Outside milk the girl started to kiss her and Shane of course responded, letting her tongue work in the girls mouth, the blonde leaned against the wall her hands were all over the dark haired woman.
    The street was quiet footsteps were becaming louder, both women didn’t looked up at who was coming till the footsteps stopped and a voice said: “Hello Shane”
    Shane freezed, knowing the voice, it was Cherie.


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