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    I’ll pick the music! Sequel to what have I done? Chapter 50

    Chapter 50

    Alice and Dana knocked on the front door of the Porter – Kennard residence.

    Tina opened the door and Alice burst into the living room. “Ok – I’m here – let’s plan this party of yours! We better move on this or you’ll be partying alone.” Alice glanced at Bette and then at Tina. She raised her eyebrow. “But then again – we ALL know how you two like to PAR – TAY alone! Grrrrr!”

    “Shut up you hippy!” Bette swatted Alice on the arm. “This is serious! Tina – for some reason – totally beyond me – felt the need to invite every single writer on that fan fiction web sight – you know the one where they write about the beautiful women in that Cable show. ***** – I can never remember the name of it!”

    Alice glanced over at Tina, ***** Tina – why the ***** did you do that?”

    Tina shrugged her shoulders, “Well, when the Season 2 spoilers for the show started to come out – everyone seemed to be so depressed. You wouldnt believe some of the stuff Ive read. The writers Well, anyway, I thought I’d try to cheer everybody up.”

    Dana looked at Tina. “So you invited everyone to your house for a party? So how many women are we talking about?”

    Tina shrugged again. “Somewhere around 50.”

    Dana smiled. SWEET!

    ***** Tina – and you want to have this party tonight?” Alice just shook her head. “Those hormones must really be ***** with your brain Kennard! Ok – well lets see. Lets pick the music.

    Bette smiled. Ill pick the music!

    The ***** you will Bette! Alice shook her head. The two of them never agreed on music.

    Hey Alice – I like Bettes taste in music Tina leaned over the chair where Bette was sitting and nuzzled her face in her hair and whispered in her ear. I love it when you sing to me Babyyou have good tasteand you taste good too! Tina ran her tongue lightly over Bettes ear. Bette swallowed hard – she tried to hide her arousal.

    Alice grinned an evil grin. So Porter – you cold or what?

    Bette quickly covered her erect nipples with crossed arms. Shut up Alice! Jeez!

    Bette looked at Alice – and teased her, So – I suppose well have to listen to your music – whats the name of that group? The MUMBLES?

    Funny – you obnoxious yuppie – that would be the MURMURS! Good start – Ill pull the play list together – stay out of it – ok Porter?

    Well – while the two of you duke out the details of the party, Dana, mom and I are going to go shopping for the food. Will you both still be alive when we return? Tina squeezed Bettes shoulder and nuzzled her face in her hair again. She put her lips dangerously close to Bettes ear. Bette folded her arms across her chest again – this time it was a preemptive strike – she knew what was going to happen! Baby you have no idea how much I want you – save those gorgeous nipples for me ok? Can you feel my lips on you? ***** Porter – too *****!

    Bette felt a wave of desire flow through her body. She closed her eyes. She swallowed hard. She thought shed die. She opened her eyes and saw Alice staring at her – now she wished she did die!

    And just where did your little mind just take a trip to Porter? Come on – you can tell me!

    Shut up Alice!

    Dana and Tina both shook their heads and turned to leave. Tina yelled back over her shoulder. Any blood shed and the two of you are cleaning it up! Have fun girls!

    Bette stared at Alice. It was a moment before she spoke. Im gonna punch you!



    1. Well I need to ask, I am a frustrated writer, but I am an avid reader of all your ladies wonderful stories!
      S2 is supposed to be AATNB… but since IC has decided to fuck us over I just want to forget about it and crash this party.
      Miami is so fu#@!$ hot right now, a pool party sounds excellent… and the added bonus of all you ladies being there with our beloved girls also… well it’s to much! I am flying first class right now! hold on let me buy the freaking ticket!
      WOOOO… lets PAR-TAY!! =)

    2. This is GREAT! Lisa
      Thank u. Just came out of a long ass meeting.
      Hey I am still invited?
      I just LOVE pool parties. hehe
      OH and drinking only Bailey’s.
      Write on…

    3. woo hoo, am at the airport…don´t drink everything girls…wait for me pls…I have to cross half the globe…Lisa, you need any help? I´d bring anything you want…lol…am that powerful!… ;)

    4. tinawho? – I’m there. Oh Jake and Jackie are going to love this party. So many people to torment – so little time! I do honestly believe that B & T will end up back together – let’s hope that being with Candace again is just a way of making sure Bette really wants Tina! I’m gonna puke!!!

    5. Amanda – Ok! For sake of arguement here – you now live next door to Bette and Tina – on the other side. Tear down your fence – if you have one. We’re coming over!

    6. OK hotpepper I’m packed and ready to go…directions to your place please! get the fanfic girls together…especially you lsrenaski and lets party…and try and make sense out of why IC wants S2 to start off so crappy!!! Can’t wait for more jake and jackie

    7. You ladies are really funny today.Let IC give us a sh=== beginning,Y’all can still have fun and keep us happy . Still raining in Big D so can’t come out an play today. Just try to keep us happy,that is easy .just write more

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