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    Control Chapter Five

    Bette stepped out of the elevator with 2 minutes to spare, to find Jessica waiting to usher her into a limo. Bette slipped her long coat over her shoulders and walked quickly to the vehicle unaided. She slipped inside across from Xena who was again on the phone. "Tell them to call Jessica if they need anything else. No, I’m unavailable for the rest of the week. That’s all for now." she said as she hung up on her caller. "Excuse my rudeness, it couldn’t be helped." Xena said and Bette didn’t know if she was referring to her earlier behaviour in her suite or being on the phone.

    Bette decided to be magnanimous, "Certainly, Miss Amphipolis. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot," Bette offered with a smile.

    "Surely we are on a first name basis now," Xena said dazzling Bette with a rare smile. "Do you get to New York often Bette?" Xena asked making conversation.

    "Not as often as I would like," Bette admitted.


    The ride was short and they soon drew up in front of their destination. Xena placed a hand on Bette’s arm. "There will be reporters and camera’s so smile but let me do all the talking." Xena said as she made to exit first. "Oh by the way if anyone does ask, you’re my latest lover. Let’s go!"

    "What?" Bette squeaked as the door suddenly opened and not prepared for the onslaught. Bette was blinded by the sheer number of flashes popping in front of her eyes all at once. Someone reached in, handing her safely out of the limo and she felt her arm being held possessively while her coat was removed from her shoulders by someone else. Trying to regain focus she noticed it was Xena who held her. Xena leaned in and whispered into Bette’s ear. "You won’t need your coat, I’ll keep you warm," she purred into Bette’s ear who looked up blankly. Xena looked down to see that Bette’s nipples had pebbled under her gown and she ran her tongue over her lips in appreciation of the sight.

    Bette was able to look around finally and was surprised by the number of people that crowded around them, held back by security. "What is this? I thought we were attending a private function?" she asked slightly irritated.

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    1. Oh God! You don’t know how ecstatically happy I was to see a new post for this story! I was having a really horrible day, until I just popped online to see who updated what story and found this one!!! It made me smile, instantly. Thank you so much for posting today. And thanks a million for letting Bette give Xena a little of her own medicine. These ladies are too friggin HOT for words! I love this story! Please, keep doing a great job. I stay on the end of my seat every time I read a new chapter, waiting for what’s going to happen next! =)

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