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    "Touch me," Bette demanded. Xena expertly unhooked Bette’s bra and dropped the lacy fabric to the floor. "Arghhh," Bette groaned at the first feel of Xena’s hands on her tits. Xena’s long fingers cupped and squeezed Bette’s full breasts roughly while her mouth was busy sucking on an available earlobe. Bette turned in her arms, "Take it off," she said licking her lips, indicating the gown and Xena smiled devilishly. Xena reached behind herself and unzipped her gown and it slipped to the floor.

    Bette gasped, "You weren’t wearing underwear?"

    "Is that a problem?" Xena asked innocently.

    "No but if I had known that earlier, I don’t think I would have been able to give you a proper assessment of the Art we looked at." Bette admitted starring at the greek goddess in front of her. Xena unsnapped the front release of her bra and dropped it beside Bette’s. She looked down at Bette’s lace panties and raised an eyebrow until Bette slid them slowly down and off her long legs.

    Naked, they looked at each other, admiring the long limbs and toned muscles. Bette reached out a finger to one of Xena’s nipples and watched it harden under her touch and was pleased when Xena sucked in a quick breath.

    Xena reached out and turned Bette back to face the window and slipped in behind her once more so she could watch over her shoulder again. She cupped Bette’s full breasts again kneading and squeezing and Bette covered her hands with her own, groaning at the contact of Xena’s hands and the length of her body pressed up hard against her back. "Look out there. All of those buildings are filled with voyeurs watching us right now. Some even have high powered telescopes." Xena reached down, grabbing behind Bette’s right knee and pulled her leg up off the floor supporting her weight easily. "Some of those scopes are so powerful they can even see your juices running down the inside of your legs. Spread wide for the cameras Bette," Xena said huskily and felt Bette’s leg muscles tighten as she revealed herself even more to the unknown eyes, "that’s it. Let them see how wet you are." Xena whispered.

    Bette spun in Xena’s hold and snaked her arms around her neck. "God, I need… to… fuck you," she said crudely pulling Xena’s head down to meet her searching lips.

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    1. I wasn’t sure what I thought of this story at first. I thought Xena was too big a pain in the ass to be with Bette, but you brought it all together and I ended up enjoying this story a lot! Thanks.

    2. OMG! That was Sooooooooooooooooo sexy! I loved! I could actually see them in front of that window, myself! =) Good Lord! What a site! They ending was excellent! I was like, “Awwwwww, how sweet” You did a fabulous job with this story! Now I’m having mixed feelings, since the story has ended. Please, feel free to write another one with these two dynamic women! You did it very well, my dear!

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