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    She could feel Xena beginning to tense and knew she was close. ‘Now! I want you to cum now." Xena arched up at Bette’s words, "That’s it, NOW," Bette ordered and Xena shuddered into a powerful climax.

    "Arghhh," she said bucking wildly against Bette’s onslaught. She spasmed uncontrollably under the force of her orgasm for a few moments and Bette slid over onto her stomach watching Xena through hooded eyes.

    Xena rolled to her side coming face to face with Bette and smiled. "With a few more lessons, you could become quite good at this," she joked earning an answering smile from Bette.

    "Very funny, coming from the woman who can’t even walk across the room," Bette challenged.

    Xena made a move to rise, then thought better of it as her limbs spasmed again from the after affects of Bette’s lovemaking but conceded nothing. "Maybe later, " she grinned watching Bette smirk. "Besides I believe I owe you a little attention?" She said crawling over to straddle Bette’s ass. She slid her wet center across Bette’s bottom eliciting a moan and applied some weight to drive Bette’s clit down towards the rug. Xena fingered her own wetness and then ran her middle finger down between Bette’s cheeks and into her tight hole right up to her second knuckle.

    Bette jerked in reaction to the surprise invasion. "Ahhhhhhhh," she cried out in astonishment. Xena backed off and raised Bette up to her knees so she could slide her hand lower into Bette’s wet center. She moistened her hand and spread Bette’s dripping juices liberally over her entire sex. When she was satisfied she hadn’t missed any area she skirted her head down under Bette so she could eat her properly. "Delicious!" she exclaimed at her first taste.

    Bette lowered her center down onto Xena’s talented tongue and groaned in appreciation. "God you’re good at this?" Bette confessed.

    "I have many skills," Xena confided before driving her tongue deep inside Bette touching her innner walls.

    "Arghhh", Bette said involuntarily. "Shit, I’m cumming." she said giving Xena the opportunity to back off but Xena only held onto Bette harder pressing her face in deeper to taste her. Xena reached out with her hand and flicked Bette’s unattended clit, pinching the engorged organ roughly and Bette’s world spun out of control as wave after wave of sensation flowed over her, leaving her speechless.

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    1. I wasn’t sure what I thought of this story at first. I thought Xena was too big a pain in the ass to be with Bette, but you brought it all together and I ended up enjoying this story a lot! Thanks.

    2. OMG! That was Sooooooooooooooooo sexy! I loved! I could actually see them in front of that window, myself! =) Good Lord! What a site! They ending was excellent! I was like, “Awwwwww, how sweet” You did a fabulous job with this story! Now I’m having mixed feelings, since the story has ended. Please, feel free to write another one with these two dynamic women! You did it very well, my dear!

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