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    They both lay on the rug trying to regain a semblance of normal breathing. "So what do you want me to do the rest of the week?" Bette asked curiously since Xena didn’t need her to appraise any more art pieces.

    Xena rolled over with a wicked look on her face. I’m sure I can find some use for your…talents," she said suggestively, reaching over capture Bette’s lips with her own..


    Basically they spent the rest of the week in the suite, in more than one compromising position, each competitivly trying to outdo the other sexually. They were both battered and bruised with huge smiles on their faces when it was finally time for Bette to return to LA.

    "Time sure flys when your fucking your boss senseless," Bette said smiling.

    "Thank God you’re leaving, I don’t think I could afford to give any more ….benefits to my staff." Xena smirked.

    Xena went to the Airport with Bette holding her all the way in the limo and kissed her warmly at the gate. "Thank you," she said sincerely.

    "No thanks are needed. You know I would have done this for nothing," Bette confided.

    Xena laughed, "and I would paid you for 6 years to get you to…cum," she said waving good bye.

    As Xena walked back to her limo she spotted a feisty young blonde woman arguing with a taxi driver. "I’m telling you my purse was just stolen in the terminal and I don’t have any cash on me but I can pay you when I get to my office building," the blonde was explaining angrily as she tried to convince the stout cabby to drive her for free.

    Xena stepped forward, "Is there a problem here?" she felt compelled to ask.

    The blonde turned and looked up at Xena with the most exquisite green eyes, "I was just telling this buffoon that I can pay him when I reach my office, my purse was just stolen, along with my cellphone and wallet so I’m penniless at the moment." she explained.

    Xena was going to offer to pay her fare but suddenly wanted to know more about this little spitball. "I have a car over here, would you accept a ride?" she asked and the blonde smiled and gratefully agreed.

    Xena waved her driver back when he tried to help them into the vehicle, choosing to help the woman herself. "I’m Xena, by the way," she said hanging onto the top of the door.

    The blonde stepped into the luxurious limo carefully then turned, "Hi Xena, I’m Gabrielle!"



    On the plane, Bette was dozing when she sensed a presence leaning across her stealthily. Thinking some one was trying to snatch her purse she grabbed the would be thief tightly coming face to face with a beautiful blonde. "Oh, god, I’m sorry," the blonde said. "My headset isn’t working properly so I thought I could reach the extra pair over there," she said pointing to the set lying on the seat next to Bette’s.

    Bette felt her fingers tingling where they rested on the blondes upper arms. She starred into the depths of her eyes and licked her lips involuntarily. The blonde watched the tip of Bette’s tongue move across her lips and swallowed noticeably. "Can I?" she asked tentitively.

    Bette was lost, "Can you what?"

    She grinned at Bette’s confusion, "Can I have the headset," she said, still trapped within Bette’s arms and liking the sensation.

    Blushing, Bette released her. "Sorry, yes sure."

    "What’s your name?" the blonde asked extracting herself from the brunette’s arms reluctantly.

    "Bette," she said still clearly embarrassed.

    The blonde’s smile widened, "Hello Bette, nice to meet you. I’m Tina"



    The End

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    1. I wasn’t sure what I thought of this story at first. I thought Xena was too big a pain in the ass to be with Bette, but you brought it all together and I ended up enjoying this story a lot! Thanks.

    2. OMG! That was Sooooooooooooooooo sexy! I loved! I could actually see them in front of that window, myself! =) Good Lord! What a site! They ending was excellent! I was like, “Awwwwww, how sweet” You did a fabulous job with this story! Now I’m having mixed feelings, since the story has ended. Please, feel free to write another one with these two dynamic women! You did it very well, my dear!

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