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    Bette turned her back on Xena and walked to the door to prevent herself from responding angrily, "James?" she called brusquely as she opened it, coming face to face with her assistant wheeling a cart of coffee. He pushed it into the office, then retreated, closing the door quickly without saying a word. Bette looked at Xena and shrugged.’It seems you have terrified my staff. Coffee?" she asked pouring some into a cup but Xena shook her head. "Why me?" Bette asked stirring cream into her cup. "There must be hundreds of people that could work for you. People already in New York."

    "Don’t be obtuse. Obviously, I have done my homework Miss Porter. My decision has been made, I want you. This folder contains all the details necessary to complete the job along with the sizable compensation package we prepared for you," Xena stated standing, her business completed.

    Bette put down her cup and picked up the folder leafing through it as Xena headed for the door. "I’ll look through it and consider the offer. Where can I reach you when I’ve made my decision?" Bette asked not ready to agree to anything without first checking over the folder and verifying it’s contents.

    Xena paused with her hand on the door, then turned back to approach Bette menacingly, who backed fairly quickly against her desk in surprise. She starred in shock at the impeccably dressed woman who approached her with purpose. "The decision has been made, Miss Porter. I would not have chosen you if I thought there was any room for doubt. You WILL do this. I know everything there is to know about you, even the smallest details of your life." she said leaning in towards Bette until they were nose to nose. Xena noted that although Bette’s eyes showed alarm, she didn’t cower or turn away which earned her some semblance of respect. She was so close she could detect Bette’s personal scent and she breathed it in deeply. Bette could feel Xena’s hot breath on her neck and resisted the urge to close her eyes and lean closer to the source. Surprisingly, Xena leaned down and licked the stain on Bette’s suit. "Honey Mustard, my favourite" she whispered into Bette’s ear sending another shiver down her spine then Xena turned and quickly exited before Bette could recover her senses.

    Bette was standing, starring at the door when James entered hesitantly. "What happened?" he asked apprehensively.

    Bette shook her head clearly dazed. "Truthfully? I have no idea. Putty in my hand, my ass!" she muttered.


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