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    My first time…a Sci-Fi Story Chapter 8 THE CONSPIRACY AND ‘THE LUCKY GIRL’

    Angus: (surprised) “I think they knew each other longer because Kit told me that the very day of the inauguration of the orientation term, the day that everything started”

    Sharon didn’t answer, but something clicked, ‘the day that everything started’, ‘the day Tina and Bette meet’ and Kit already knew.


    New Pasadena, 12:15 a.m. Sunday, February 6, 2056. New CalTech –SAC third floor – temporary Bette Porter’s quarters


    Maura: “Tina, tell us more about the wormhole”

    Tina: “when I saw the mirror, I understood that was my only chance of survival but I didn’t know how to get there until I found that little spot no bigger than a pinhead and I touched it, in contact with my finger the surface melted, or at least that is what I thought, the more I pushed the indent the more it grew as a big and deep concavity, I saw a light at the other side and I jumped. At the beginning it was like walk on clouds, because I didn’t see walls or ground or roof, but later I could walk easily, there was an invisible path, everything was blueish, the path has branches and at the end of the branches I could see windows or something similar, I saw my mother with another girl in one of them; I wanted to go to her but I was terrified of getting lost, I walked back to the mirror but there was no way to return to the room until Bette came”

    Lena: (looking at Bette) “How did you know Tina was behind the mirror?”

    Bette: (sighing) “because…Tina…Tina and I could talk each other with our minds and I heard…, I felt she was calling me and she guide me to the spot and I pushed my arm, Bo and Lauren helped me to pull Tina out of the mirror”

    Alex: “so the wormhole can be opened from one side only”

    Bette: “apparently”

    Tina: “well maybe if we use a rope the portal will still open and then we pull us out of the mirror”

    Lauren: (smiling) “hmm… you are very clever, that could work”

    Alice: “the problem is how to make the portal open from Louise side”

    Bette: “we have to tell her to look for the spot”


    1. No no no, you can’t stop here! It is my birthday today, so i am gonna ask you, okay beg you to tell me that Bette is able to rescue Tina asap.

      Or you can give me a chapter as gift ;-)

      I should have known that Franklyn is still a asshole first degree, but didn’t expect that Alice’s mother is on his side, and Buckley, oh God, we are never gonna escape from that evil bitch.

      I enjoyed the very long update! Thank you!

    2. Hi Bibi:
      Hey… HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! my friend, my best wishes for this day and the future ones; now, here is your wish (just making a “foreseen” reflection):
      Remember this is a portal; one side is the entrance and the other the exit, then, where is Tina being suctioned? what is in the other side of the window? who was she seeing at the other side?
      Be relaxed, it will be a very emotional encounter; I hope Tina won’t forget to tell Bette, where she is, or the brunette will go crazy.
      Now please answer any of the former questions, so I could relax too.

    3. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

      Tina saw her mother, that i am certain about, but the black hole, i can only hope it brings her to her mother and Tasha.

      Thanks for responding, have a great day or evening.

    4. Very interesting to have addressed the issue of
      Tina is in her period, it was very interesting because Bette never had to pass
       for such a situation.
      I did a reading in black holes, white holes and wormholes,
      and wow! It’s really amazing!
      And I say what gave me to understand, forgive me if I’m wrong.
      In a nutshell: the black holes absorb and “moe” everything loses energy in the universe.
      white hole is like a womb that gestated new life.
      Hole Worm (we know), there is a warp, bringing to close a distant region of space, are spacetime tubes that act as shortcuts that connect distant regions of espaço.Será I talked nonsense!
      And surely you know that scientists have discovered a planet similar to ours, the possibility of existence of the planet was under investigation for some time.
      The name of the planet is “Next b” is considered the biggest step to find living off the land, a historic discovery.
      The exciting discovery of the planet Proxima b was announced in the journal “Nature”.
      All Universe.

      Note: I’m sorry if my comments do not make sense. I know I’m no expert, but I have a little knowledge, a little só
      Bear hug .

      Story updated.

    5. Hi my friend nice to read your comments, I hope you are doing well; you are perfectly right, I really love your comments, there are some people who said that an explanation of the Big Bang theory is that two universes collide and matter from them came here through a wormhole, that the entrance of the wormhole is the black hole and the exit is the white hole. In small scale, white, black and worm holes may behave as I describe in my story. I’m very excited about the discovery of this planet next B and other ones a little bit similar. I really try hard not to be so technical in my story and I want to apologize about it; but if I’m writing about scifi, I want to be consistent. The chapter 9 is ready to be post, but I’m waiting until tomorrow morning. Thanks so much for commenting and reading this story.

      Bear hug


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