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    Not The End, Chapter 9

    Chapter Nine:

    Kit came behind her sisters back and read the label. “Bette and Kelly” she said out loud.

    “I knew Jenny would have a damn copy.” Bette spoke with a bit of anger in her voice.

    Tina had hooked the last cord into the back of the television. She still questioned herself as to what this was.

    She stood from her knees and found the remote clicking the television on and sat herself down on a chair.

    Tina’s P.O.V

    As I sat here watching what was playing in front of me. It felt as if my heart had stopped and someone had kicked me from the inside repeatedly. I felt a tear begin to roll down my face until it hit my lip and I could taste it’s saltiness. I slowly moved my hands to cover my face and then I ran it through my hair. I tried to pull my eyes away from the video but my brain couldn’t seem to progress it because my body was in such a shock. Emotions raced through me, hurt, pain, anger, disgust, and i felt like a fool to have trusted her again. After years of us being apart then finding our way back to each other, she does this, her face between Kelly Wentworth’s legs then to play me as a fool and tell me nothing happened between them. My stomach starts to feel nauseous and I feel as if a giant knot was turning inside me.

    My mind won’t stop racing with questions and hurt, how could she do this to me again? Doesn’t she care about me? Was she not looking at what this is going to do to our daughter again? “Damn you Bette! Damn you!” I shout as I stand grabbing the remote and throwing it against the wall as my knees become weak and give out from under me. I hit the floor and sobbed.


    “Now would you look at that?” Kit shook her head. “Jenny did have a copy of this thing.”

    “Does it surprise you, Kit?” Bette turned her gaze away from the CD and to her sisters eyes.

    “That is one hell of a woman to go through all that. May she rest in peace but i’m just sayin’.” Kit shook her head again.

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    1. Tina has to believe Bette but it will be hard to do. Only Kelly and Bette know what really happened. Kelly needs to confess as to her part in this “mistaken sexual act”. I love this story.

    2. Tina has to believe Bette. I know Bette loves that gallery but she needs to just leave it behind and Kelly. She should not have waited to tell her what happened. It just makes it worse. I hope they can work this out. Awesome writing.

    3. Victoria pleasant surprise that you are, I am simply
      Love the way you are putting your
      Ideas, in conducting this story .You can use
      and abuse of his ideas to put in its history.
      Now, what to do?, Tina discovered the recording is
      she is at a crossroads, believe that Bette says
      or what your eyes saw that is the question.
      I’ll wait another chapter with much anxiety.
      Congratulations on this wonderful work that you are
      10 stars with praise.**********
      Note: I still think Kelly deserves a Tina flicks.

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