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    Pieces of Time, Chapter I

    Pieces of Time.

    [ Chapter 1 ]

    “Can you please just tell them that we can’t do that!?” I say raising my voice into the phone. “I don’t care Patrick, I really don’t. Just don’t come complaining to me when this gets blown up in your face.” My words anger through the phone before hanging up and slipping the phone into my pocket.

    “It is way too hot to deal with this today.” I say walking towards Meghan while wiping the sweat from my forehead.

    “I couldn’t agree more with you, Tina.” She responds.

    “And now Patrick won’t listen to me when I tell him by cutting the lead male actor of the movie and replacing him with a recast that it’s going to raise the budget big time and we don’t have that money.”

    “It is the movie business.” Meghan says to me.

    “Don’t remind me.” I respond.

    “Tina, Bette is on line one.”

    My head turns when I see Sally, one of our movie assistants peak from around the set.

    “Do you know what she wants, Sally?” I ask.

    “She never said.”

    “Tell her I’ll be right there.” I say unclipping my head taping piece from my waist belt and laying it on the nearest table in front of me.

    I make my way to the phone in my office and press line 1 while putting it to my ear.


    “Hey, T. I’m not gonna be able to pick Angie up from school today and bring her to my place. I have a conference call at 4, can you do it?”

    “No, I’m super busy here at work today. It’s fucking hectic.”

    “Is Cole still with Kit?” Bette asks me.

    “Yes he is. Is it possible for you to ask Kit to pick Angelica up?”

    “Yeah, I’ll ask her but I can’t miss this conference call, T.”

    “I’m sure Kit won’t mind, Bette.”

    “So you’re taking the kids tonight right?”

    “It is my night with them, so yes.” I say.

    “Alright. I’ll drop by tomorrow morning to bring our daughter to school.”

    “Yeah, see you then.”

    I hang up the phone from Tina then dial my sister Kit’s number.

    I wait through many ring tones before she answers.

    “Bette, whats-“

    Kit pauses.

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    1. This chapter was something he especially TiBette divorced, I can not believe that !!!! Please give him a chance of love between TiBette, they have a lot of passion but please give them love !!!! you gave me sad chapter !! Hopefully this story of a positive turn and find love them !!! third parties who want to separate TiBette hopefully not appear !!!! more love please. Thank you for this story.

    2. I like your story, especially when these two can’t deny that deep down they love each other even though they keep splitting and reuniting, I look forward for updates, and please keep writing, it looks promising

      Thank you

    3. How could i have missed this story!

      Please continue and like the others, bring them back together asap.

      When do they realize they are meant together for eternity.

      Great start. Look forward for the rest of the story!

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