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    Rescue CHAPTER TWO BY “aandy”

    “Actually, if you aren’t too hungry, I wouldn’t mind a dip now.”

    “Sure, okay.” Bette turned back and led Tina down the ledge to the pristine pool of water. “My clothes are always safe on that rock.”

    “Have you jumped off the waterfall yet?”

    “I’ve thought about it. I would really rather get off this island though. I can’t leave you alone here.” Bette pulled her pants down her legs, and draped the clothing over the rock.

    Tina followed suit and dropped her clothing on Bette’s. She stepped into the water behind Bette, trying not to watch the body move in front of her. The cold water hit her legs and she gasped. “It’s not that cold. You’ll get used to it.”

    “You have a great body.” Tina closed her eyes and admonished herself for saying that aloud. “I’m sorry. It slipped.”

    “That’s okay. So do you.” Bette dove under the water and reappeared about 20 feet in front of Tina. Tina followed dipping her body completely under the cold refreshing water. She quickly emerged and looked around for snakes. Bette read Tina’s mind. “There aren’t any snakes around right now.”

    “Are you sure?” Tina continued looking around the water.

    “Yeah. Keep your feet moving and if they get close, it will scare them.”

    “Until one of the bastards bites my ass.”

    Bette laughed and swam toward Tina. “I’m the captain, I’ll protect you.” Bette continued to swim in a circle around Tina, laughing the entire time.

    “The island seems to be pretty plush. I can’t wait to explore some more. Maybe I could go with you in the morning and try to help you.”

    “I’m guessing Jodi finally died?” Bette kept her head away from Tina.

    “Yeah, I just finished burying her with the others.”

    “I knew she wouldn’t make it. You did a good job taking care of her.”

    “There were many injuries. It was a blessing; I know she was in a lot of pain.”

    “Karma.” Bette swam under the spray of water.

    “What?” Tina swam after her, unable to keep up with the athletic woman.

    “That woman hurt so many people in her life. It was only fitting that she suffered a little too.”

    “I’m guessing you two didn’t get along.” Tina slowed her stride treading in front of Bette.

    “We used to get along great until she started fucking anything with a pulse.” Bette turned her head again and whispered, “Including me.”

    “Wow! I didn’t know that. I knew she was making her rounds through the entire flight crew of our company.”

    “It was a one-time thing. Didn’t mean anything but it still kind of hurts to see someone you’d just slept with laughing it up with another person 2 feet from you.” Bette dipped her head under the water and swam away again.

    “I’m sorry. I had no idea. She was a bitch.”

    “Yep.” Bette waded to the edge of the water. “We better get going so we can get everything ready before dark.”

    tbc in Chapter 3 by "cls"

    Page 2 of 212


    1. Just read both chapters and can’t wait for the third. No reason the two of them can’t enjoy their time together while waiting to be rescued… be such a shame to waste a perfectly lovely pool of water!

    2. I’m with Tina – I frickin’ hate snakes. Thank goodness Bette is available to offer a little bathing entertainment. Okay so when does the GOOD stuff start to happen – other than Jodie dying and all. Bring it on! We definitely need some island action before the rescue planes find them and I’m not talking about finding a few mangos. PPVS

    3. Sooo, now it’s CLS turn, huh? How are they going to furnish the “camping” site? What other food provisions was Tina able to rescue? How are they going to establish some sort of communication with the outside world? Who are the people that may worry about the disappearance of the plane? Well, these are really some questions that may help to develop the story a little bit further. Thanks for sharing this fantastic story. Hugs & kisses on both your cheeks. – Lucero & Marsha (Proud Salsa Aunties to the ever loving JC and Eunichick)

    4. O.K. so let me get this straight…Bette and Tina…alone, just the two of them…on a deserted island…naked…in a pool of water…together. Oh yeah, this story has more than promise! Great going girls…over to you Cls.

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