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    Tina would never forget those last moments that afternoon. She was just coming out of the washroom and found the pilot and flight attendants all arguing because Jodi had been caught doing drugs by one of her co-workers. Another flight attendant was also accusing her of sleeping with her boyfriend. Jodi was laughing the whole incident off and the pilot was talking about laying charges against her when they landed. Tina was still trying to get back to her seat when lightning struck the small plane and the sudden explosion had thrown her violently to the floor. Her friend Jenny had scrambled to get her into a nearby seat and managed to buckle her in before moving to a seat herself across the aisle. She remembered that the plane seemed to right itself a bit but continued to plummet towards the earth, then the entire world broke up in front of her. The plane ripped itself in half as a wing touched the water on impact, causing the plane to somersault and break into pieces. The force of the crash had momentarily knocked Tina unconscious but she woke instantly when water hit her body; it was raining heavily. She scrambled to disengage her seatbelt then looked around for the others. She gasped when she saw her friend Jenny; it was obvious her neck had been broken.


    The other passengers were just gone, along with that entire section of the fuselage. She found two other crewmembers behind her that had died from head injuries when their overhead compartment had fallen in on them during the crash. Tina had heard a soft moan and scrambled over to find the flight attendant, Jodi lying in the aisle, which was filling with saltwater. She had a self-inflating raft gripped in her hand. The plane was filling up fast, and Tina realized that she had to move quickly in case the plane flipped over and they were trapped under the submerging wreckage

    She activated the raft and rolled Jodi into it as gently as possible. She scrambled for supplies looking for anything that she thought would be useful and then jumped in and rowed away from the wreck. As soon as she cleared the plane, she spotted the island and rowed thankfully in that direction. When she came ashore, she moved Jodi up onto the beach and unloaded the supplies, then turned back to the plane which miraculously was still afloat.

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    1. I love this story already! You have already knocked off Jenny and Jodi and they are stranded on deserted island. How much better can it get? Oh yeah, when they finally make love on the beach *Thud* Thanks for the shout out, I love being your bitch. PPVS

    2. That is becoming an interesting story. It’s sad, that so many crewmembers must die. I like story with accident in witch Bette or Tina involvent. And those two on an island – wow. PPS

    3. Well I for one am all for Bette and Tina on a deserted island. Well, apparently not quite deserted if there is a naked woman under the waterfall and it’s not the pilot. Can’t wait for the next update…bring it on aandy!

    4. The whole concept of B&T surviving a plane crash and subsisting on a desert island is quite attractive. We are totally hooked on this one and eager for your next post. Hugs & Kisses on both your cheeks. – Lucero & Marsha (Proud Salsa Aunties to the ever loving JC and Eunichick)

    5. Hell gyrl, this some carnage u r presenting just b4 I ‘try’ to fall asleep. I think it’s just as well ‘Staying Alive’ is on my screen to put me to sleep. Lol. Nite nite!!!

    6. Putting aside the sad beginning…we hate to see people die…but being stranded on a deserted island with Bette Porter sounds like a dream come true, especially if you didn’t know her before and get to discover her along with the island!! This is going to be fun!!

    7. Oh girl…what a way to start..first what a brilliant idea..if you need a writer for a chpater..count me in;) and the fact you killed Jodi and Jenny already…now thats a way to start.Good luck aandy!Cant wait for more!!

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