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    Tina decided to return for more supplies and check again for survivors so she launched the raft and headed back out. A quick search just confirmed her initial check; everyone was dead. She decided to bring their bodies to shore so they could be returned home to their families when rescue showed up. She cried as she dragged Jenny to the raft and placed her carefully in the bottom and then grabbed the bodies of the other dead crew and did the same. She was ready to leave when she thought to look across to the cockpit that was still slightly afloat across a short expanse of open water. Nobody could survive that she thought but maybe there was a radio still working or something so she dove in and swam closer. She wasn’t able to access the door but the front windows were smashed so she could get in if need be. The co-pilot was dead, probably electrocuted from the lightning from the looks of the fried controls and the pilot was covered in blood from a head wound. The water had risen to the woman’s chin and would soon cover her completely. Tina could see that there was nothing left of the electronic equipment. She was about to leave when she looked at the pilot once more, noticing suddenly that the blood was still dripping from her head wound. Dead people did not bleed! She frantically climbed into the cockpit to release the pilot who was unconscious but still very much alive.

    Tina soon realized there was no way she was going to be able to lift her up out of the cockpit and the best thing to do was wait for the water to fill up some more and then float out the window. She pulled the limp body close and supported her head above water praying that she wasn’t making the pilots injuries worse by moving her but there just wasn’t any other option. As the water filled up, she looked to the co-pilot and silently asked for forgiveness that she wouldn’t be able to retrieve his body in time as he sank into the ocean with the wreck still fastened to his seat.

    It wasn’t long before the water reached the windows and then the compartment filled up within moments and Tina floated out with the woman tucked securely against her shoulder. They were almost back to the raft when she felt the pilot start to move. "Easy, just relax," she breathed into her ear, "I’ve got you, we’re in the water and I’m taking you to the raft, you’re safe." When they got to the raft Tina helped pull the dazed pilot inside, wrapped her head wound to stop the bleeding, and then rowed back to shore.

    Everything after that was mostly a blur. Her days filled with tending to Jodi in a hopeless battle and burying the dead. Bette had taken over the essentials when her head had cleared and was probably off now collecting more water. Tina decided to explore a little herself since she had barely left the beach these last few weeks.

    She walked inland and came upon a quiet lagoon set against some luscious green foliage. High on a ledge stood the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, naked under a spray of water that was cascading over an outcrop of rock. The water spilled over the ledge, feeding the lagoon with fresh water.


    tbc by "aandy" with major help from BnTPorter

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    1. I love this story already! You have already knocked off Jenny and Jodi and they are stranded on deserted island. How much better can it get? Oh yeah, when they finally make love on the beach *Thud* Thanks for the shout out, I love being your bitch. PPVS

    2. That is becoming an interesting story. It’s sad, that so many crewmembers must die. I like story with accident in witch Bette or Tina involvent. And those two on an island – wow. PPS

    3. Well I for one am all for Bette and Tina on a deserted island. Well, apparently not quite deserted if there is a naked woman under the waterfall and it’s not the pilot. Can’t wait for the next update…bring it on aandy!

    4. The whole concept of B&T surviving a plane crash and subsisting on a desert island is quite attractive. We are totally hooked on this one and eager for your next post. Hugs & Kisses on both your cheeks. – Lucero & Marsha (Proud Salsa Aunties to the ever loving JC and Eunichick)

    5. Hell gyrl, this some carnage u r presenting just b4 I ‘try’ to fall asleep. I think it’s just as well ‘Staying Alive’ is on my screen to put me to sleep. Lol. Nite nite!!!

    6. Putting aside the sad beginning…we hate to see people die…but being stranded on a deserted island with Bette Porter sounds like a dream come true, especially if you didn’t know her before and get to discover her along with the island!! This is going to be fun!!

    7. Oh girl…what a way to start..first what a brilliant idea..if you need a writer for a chpater..count me in;) and the fact you killed Jodi and Jenny already…now thats a way to start.Good luck aandy!Cant wait for more!!

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