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    Revelations Chapter 1 (Continued from Exploration 1-6b)

    Bette nodded slowly, watching as Tina raised her hips enough to slide the pants off her legs. Bette reached for the legs and helped her remove them, pulling off Tina’s socks as well. "Now you know why I didn’t want you to wear a bra and underwear. It would just waste our time" she said smirking.

    Tina raised her hands above her head in surrender, lying completely naked and vulnerable to her lovers desires. Bette picked up one of Tina’s feet rubbing and massaging the sole and toes, locking eyes with her lover. Tina gasped at the intensity of the look. Bette snaked her tongue out and ran it between Tina’s toes, sucking each of them into her mouth. When she was done, to her own satsifaction, she placed Tina’s foot on her shoulder and reached for her other one to give it equal attention..

    Tina shifted her foot down from Bette’s shoulder to her left breast and squeezed her toes over the nipple through the cloth, never breaking eye contact. Bette took the foot teasing her nipple and placed it on the floor then she took Tina’s other foot and kissing the instep pushed it up onto the back of the couch so Tina was spread wide, then crawled her way up between her legs. When Bette reached Tina’s center she blew softly on her sex watching Tina’s eye dilate in passion. "What do you want babe?"Bette asked softly hovering over Tina’s sex.

    "You!" Tina said, "Please Bette, make love to me." she whsipered.

    "As you wish," Bette replied reverently reaching down to kiss Tina’s inner lips. She ran her tongue slowly up and down Tina’s folds dipping inside the well of her juices, tasting and sucking. Tina arched her back and cupped the back of Bette’s head holding her closer. Bette moved up to gently take Tina’s clit into her mouth, laving the nub liberally drawing out the pleasure for Tina.

    "Yessss" Tina hissed. "God yes, right there love. Mmmmmm" she moaned

    Bette smiled against Tina realizing she was close to reaching her orgasm and wanting to draw it out for her, she moved back lower to assault her folds again. She slipped a digit inside Tina’s center enjoying the sensation of having her finger squeezed by Tina’s inner walls. She added a second finger and pushed deep inside, filling Tina who groaned, "Argghhh"


    1. Just write whatever you want to write. People should read whatever they want. If they don’t like it, they shouldn’t read it. I read everything you write so obviously I am ok reading it. Keep up the great work!!!

    2. Wow! So intense, but I loved it. That was so hot. And you’re brave for writing it too, because a lot of people don’t respond well to it. Totally different side of these two! Wow. Thanks so much for posting!

    3. Hmmm…Pepper, the Police Woman. Really kind of groundbreaking in it’s way. Angie Dickenson had her charms, but I have to admit the starched hair-helmet (now with extra bleach!) she perpetually sported was never my cup of tea. Your girls are moving quickly, declarations of love and moving in and what not. And that Tina is just downright fast, if you know what I mean. Oh well, she seems to be ready to stay home now, even if she shows no signs of settling down. Will they ever wear undergarments again?

    4. Thank goodness you posted again! I was so worried you were ending the story with the last ground-breaking chapter. I loved the last chapter of exploration so I’m not certain what the folks were concerned about. As for this chapter… what can I say but you write the art of seduction between these two so well I just melt everytime I read a new shared adventure. Please MORE…SOON…

    5. I don’t think that you went to far in the last chapter of Exploration. I really like this story and the direction that you are taking it. There are other popular authors on this site that write more controversial scenes. Follow your instincts, write what you want to write and don’t worry about our opinions. Please keep posting and I promise to keep reading.

    6. How is it that Tina did not know about theses shows, well she really did know? Even though she is in the movie business, some of these same TV stars end up in the movies. Can’t wait for Bette and Tina to live together.

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