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    Revelations Chapter Two

    "Too bad", Tina said "I remember now having a lot of interesting dreams about a dancing movie I watched once, Flash back…Flash light something like that. Anyway the girl in it was a major major babe."

    Shane, Alice and Bette all looked blank.

    "Sorry T, never saw it. We should google it sometime," Bette said with a killer smile.

    "Well, I’m watching this new show that caught my eye last year, Mad Men. Christina Hendricks plays Joan Holloway an office manager. She’s my latest fantasy babe but I also liked Patricia Heaton from Everybody Loves Raymond until it ended," Alice revealed. "Got a new babe crush, Shane?"

    "Heaton? Really?" Shane shook her head disbelievably at Alice’s pick of the housewife character. "Okay, I know this is not really new but I’m watching the DVD packages of ER and there’s this firefighter I like LT Sandy Lopez played by Lisa Vidal so I guess she’s new to me" Shane said finishing off her last beer. "Tina?"

    Tina looked at Bette, "Xena." she said smiling.

    Bette smiled at Tina’s inside joke, nodding her approval, "I’ve been too busy to watch actual live TV lately so I still pick Samantha Carter."

    "Did anyone watch China Beach?" Tina asked.

    "Yeah,"Shane said. "THAT was intense. I loved that show.

    Bette, Tina and Alice all nodded.

    "My all-time favourite episode was near the end of the run when KC and Colleen were taken by the VC to fix up a guy and they eventually escaped through underground tunnels," Bette revealed.

    Alice jumped in, "Ooooh I remember that! I fucking cried my eyes out. Remember when they got to that hole filled with water and Colleen was going to check it for booby traps.."

    "And KC went in instead, willing to sacrifice herself before Colleen could do it. I was so sure she was going to blow up" Shane said.

    Tina was tearing up in remembrance. "and then she didn’t and they both got out safe? God that was so dramatic."

    "Christ that was good writing," Bette said. "Did you ever notice how much Dana Delany looks like Senator Barbara Grisham?" but all three shook their heads as Bette continued, "And Marg Helgenberger went on to do CSI. She’s still very very hot. I really like when she plays these edgy characters."


    1. Am I pathetic or what?! I actually watched all of the shows mentioned, and many were favorites of mine. I had forgotten about Iris. BTW, I too have a crush on Sam Carter. Didn’t know that Murder Club got cancelled…I really liked that show. Back to the story. I laughed with tears reading this. I played along with Alice’s game remembering the shows and actors. This is like how I imagined Family Night to be with the gang. I wish that IC would have giving us that…it would have been really cool. Thanks for bringing back memories that I had forgotten!! PPS

    2. CLS…that was so well done! I’m certain being able to blend in all those names and keep the dialogue on track was definitely a chore! I loved it all – particularly the end. You write them so well – and I feel their love growing with each chapter. Please continue! How is Tina adjusting to her new lifestyle? PPS

    3. CLS, That was one hell of a fic! You had me worried along the way, that Bette was going to wimp out losing all dignity. Quite a story you have weaved, bringing in so many character personalities throughout. Gotta love Alice, whether you are writing or reading her, she is always entertaining in fic’s. The closing was beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing your creativity to the site.

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