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    Revelations Chapter Two

    "Yeah, she’s an ex-dancer on CSI and she was a whore on China Beach," Alice mused stretching which set all them off, stretching and yawning.

    "Okay Al, so who wins? Shane asked.

    Tina said, "What? She was giving out points?"

    Bette whispered into Tina’s ear, "It doesn’t matter Alice always wins."

    "Okay, Counting up all the points….Why look at that! I win again." Alice announced.

    "Let me see?" Tina asked, reaching for the paper Alice had been scribbling on.

    Alice quickly ripped the sheet off the pad, scrunched it up and stuffed it in her mouth."Thhorry THinna I Caaant Fhhinnnnn it," she said with the wad of paper stuffed in her mouth.

    Bette put her hand out, "Bad Girl, Bad girl, spit it out. SPIT IT OUT," she said sternly.

    Alice obediently opened her mouth and pushed the wet wad out with her tongue into Bette’s hand.

    "EEwwww!", Shane said rising. "Alice that’s just so disgusting," she laughed. "I guess I’ve had enough fun for tonight anyway. Com’on Al you can sleep at my place tonight….but no dreams about me." Shane said with a smirk.

    "Now who’s disgusted?" Alice said good naturedly. "Thanks for a wonderful evening you two. Tina, it was a pleasure. Bette, you have my permission to jump Tina’s bones when we get out of ear shot."

    Tina laughed and Bette helped Alice to her feet, "That is very gracious of you Al," she said hugging her friends good bye.

    Alice decided on some parting comments, "Have you all noticed how much Tina looks like Samantha Carter?" Everyone turned to look at Tina who was blushing. "Maybe just blacken her face a little to look like she’s going on a reconnaisance mission." Alice suggested."Then.."

    "Thanks Alice, Good Bye Alice," Bette said pushing he towards Shane and out the door. "Thanks guys. Talk to you tomorrow." Bette turned back to Tina who was picking up the empties. "Leave that, I’ll get it tomorrow …Samantha. You heard the General, you have a mission to go on," Bette said mischievously removing her clothing.

    Tina looked up laughing to see the flame of desire ignite in Bette’s eyes . "Do I now. Well, do I at least outrank you?" she asked crawling across the pillows towards Bette who was now completely naked.


    1. Am I pathetic or what?! I actually watched all of the shows mentioned, and many were favorites of mine. I had forgotten about Iris. BTW, I too have a crush on Sam Carter. Didn’t know that Murder Club got cancelled…I really liked that show. Back to the story. I laughed with tears reading this. I played along with Alice’s game remembering the shows and actors. This is like how I imagined Family Night to be with the gang. I wish that IC would have giving us that…it would have been really cool. Thanks for bringing back memories that I had forgotten!! PPS

    2. CLS…that was so well done! I’m certain being able to blend in all those names and keep the dialogue on track was definitely a chore! I loved it all – particularly the end. You write them so well – and I feel their love growing with each chapter. Please continue! How is Tina adjusting to her new lifestyle? PPS

    3. CLS, That was one hell of a fic! You had me worried along the way, that Bette was going to wimp out losing all dignity. Quite a story you have weaved, bringing in so many character personalities throughout. Gotta love Alice, whether you are writing or reading her, she is always entertaining in fic’s. The closing was beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing your creativity to the site.

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