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    Revelations Chapter Two

    Alice shook her head amused but wrote it down. "Sounds rivetting, Shane?"

    "Okay, Don’t laugh! ….Lynda Carter." she said straight faced.

    Alice guffawed, "Wonder Woman? You had a thing for Wonder Woman?"

    "I told you not to laugh." Shane complained good naturedly.

    "You just liked her Lasso of Truth," Bette said. "Shane’s really into bondage!" she confided to Tina in a stage whisper, who laughed.

    "I don’t care what you say. She was one hot babe. I kept waiting for her to fall out of her costume show after show. I can’t figure out how she moved around without popping a boob every once in awhile?" Shane questioned.

    "Now that would have made the censors happy, one big old Wonder Woman boob up close and personal with the TV audience" Alice chirped in. "Okay, Tina. Your turn. Who turned your crank?"

    Tina hesitated and looked to Bette, "Well actually I…"

    Bette jumped to her rescue. "She was a late bloomer Al. She didn’t really discover her interest in women until she met me" Bette boasted.

    "God the force of the Porter charm, you turned her." Alice intoned wickedly.

    "Yes and she’s completely under my spell." Bette said mysteriously, waving her fingers in Tina’s direction.

    Tina laughed, "I’m right where I want to be," she laughed crooking a finger at Bette who practically dove at her across the pillows.

    Alice shrieked, "Who’s got who under their spell?" she muttered.

    "Charmed!" Shane stated. "How about those Halliwell sisters?"

    "That’s a good one, Alice said writing it down. "Okay hottest witch?"

    Bette was kissing Tina softly. "Hmmm? What? Hottest witch? Alyson Hannigan".

    "Wrong show dumb ass. Alyssa Milano." Shane chided her friend

    "I liked McGowan." Alice said. "Tina?"

    "Sorry didn’t watch it. They were all witches?" Tina asked motioning Bette back to her seat with a smile promising more kisses later.

    Bette made a detour for another round of beers and said, "Name all 4 sisters." she threw over her shoulder as she entered the kitchen.

    "Hmm," Alice said, "I remember they all started with the same letter."

    "P" shouted Bette from the kitchen.

    "Right, McGowan was Page," Alice trailed off.

    "Paige, Phoebe, Piper and Prue" Shane rhymed off on her fingers and everyone starred at her. "What?" she said.


    1. Am I pathetic or what?! I actually watched all of the shows mentioned, and many were favorites of mine. I had forgotten about Iris. BTW, I too have a crush on Sam Carter. Didn’t know that Murder Club got cancelled…I really liked that show. Back to the story. I laughed with tears reading this. I played along with Alice’s game remembering the shows and actors. This is like how I imagined Family Night to be with the gang. I wish that IC would have giving us that…it would have been really cool. Thanks for bringing back memories that I had forgotten!! PPS

    2. CLS…that was so well done! I’m certain being able to blend in all those names and keep the dialogue on track was definitely a chore! I loved it all – particularly the end. You write them so well – and I feel their love growing with each chapter. Please continue! How is Tina adjusting to her new lifestyle? PPS

    3. CLS, That was one hell of a fic! You had me worried along the way, that Bette was going to wimp out losing all dignity. Quite a story you have weaved, bringing in so many character personalities throughout. Gotta love Alice, whether you are writing or reading her, she is always entertaining in fic’s. The closing was beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing your creativity to the site.

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