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    Revelations Chapter Two

    "Hmmm, Well I liked Crossing Jordan. Jill Hennessy had a strong character and the one that played Lily Lebowski but I can’t remember the actress’s name"

    "Kathryn Hahn," Alice finished knowledgeably as she recorded Tina’s picks.

    "We kind of covered favourite Police Women/Detectives but we missed secret agents," Alice noted.

    Bette jumped in. "I liked Diana Rigg from The Avengers. I didn’t like the way they ended her character though, going back with her long lost husband."

    "Don’t forget your Sydney Bristow infatuation," Tina added with a twinkle in her eye. "From Alias? Jennifer Garner?" she said when Alice looked blank.

    "Yeah, She changed her look all the time for that show, it was cool. Must have been really fun for the actress and a nightmare for the makeup crew," Shane mused.

    "Are we forgetting about the greatest bunch of female agents? Duh? Charlie’s Angels? Hello?" Alice jumped in.

    "Mmm mmm," Shane said. "Kelly Garrett"
    Bette nodded, "Kelly Garrett"
    Alice nodded, "Definitely Kelly Garrett. The incredibly gorgeous and classy Jaclyn Smith. Want to make it unanimous Tina?"

    "I agree she was the most beautiful Angel but I also liked Kate Jackson" Tina said.

    "What about Space chicks?" Shane asked.

    "Ohhh Space chicks," Alice said pretending to drool. "All-time fav space chick for me…. Claudia Black when she was in Farscape although she was a babe in Stargate as well."

    Shane closed her eyes,"You gotta love her in leather!" she said wiping her hand down her own leather clad thigh. "That’s what was wrong with the Trek ladies, all spandex no leather!"

    Bette piped in, "Yeah but the uniforms were all form fitting."

    Tina tilted her head back and started rhyming off a list of female characters from the various Trek shows. Janeway and 7of9, Troi, Beverly Crusher, Kira and Dax…"

    Alice added, "Don’t forget Carrie Fisher."

    Bette looked over at Alice like she had two heads, "She was in the first three Star Wars Movies not Trek TV Shows."

    "Oh yeah, I get the Star Shows mixed up. Can you tell I’m not a space fan? STAR trek STAR Wars, same thing." Alice smirked.

    "No way," Shane, said shaking her head, "Princess Leia in her slave girl outfit, now THAT was hot" nothing like that on Trek. Anyway we aren’t doing movies."


    1. Am I pathetic or what?! I actually watched all of the shows mentioned, and many were favorites of mine. I had forgotten about Iris. BTW, I too have a crush on Sam Carter. Didn’t know that Murder Club got cancelled…I really liked that show. Back to the story. I laughed with tears reading this. I played along with Alice’s game remembering the shows and actors. This is like how I imagined Family Night to be with the gang. I wish that IC would have giving us that…it would have been really cool. Thanks for bringing back memories that I had forgotten!! PPS

    2. CLS…that was so well done! I’m certain being able to blend in all those names and keep the dialogue on track was definitely a chore! I loved it all – particularly the end. You write them so well – and I feel their love growing with each chapter. Please continue! How is Tina adjusting to her new lifestyle? PPS

    3. CLS, That was one hell of a fic! You had me worried along the way, that Bette was going to wimp out losing all dignity. Quite a story you have weaved, bringing in so many character personalities throughout. Gotta love Alice, whether you are writing or reading her, she is always entertaining in fic’s. The closing was beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing your creativity to the site.

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