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    What could that have implied? They all silently wondered – no one daring to vocalize any possible harm that might have come to Tina had Bette not stopped by.

    Tina sat with her hands folded together, trying to free herself from doubt and fear as she thought hard about just what the girl had said.

    “She said … she’d like to visit for longer, but she just couldn’t today … And I guess it wasn’t that weird. I just thought she wasn’t very funny … but – oh my god. That’s so scary now that I know it was her!”

    “It’s alright, hunny,” Bette whispered, “Try to stay calm. It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna go to the police and figure all of this out, okay?”

    After Tina had calmed down considerably, Patricia helped them locate the nearest police station.

    “Are you sure you don’t want a little extra support?” Patricia asked, giving Tina another hug before heading to the door. “Aww, guys – I’m really sorry. And hey, Bette … I thought it was all harmless at first … I’m sorry I didn’t take it more seriously.” She stepped over, offering support if needed, but Bette was her usual, confident self.

    “Thanks, Pat. I just worry about Tina.”

    With a sigh and an eventual wave, Patricia left them to their own devices, and Bette gave Tina a long, intimate hug to console them both.

    “I love you very much, T … I’m so sorry I didn’t share more with you … I didn’t know. I guess I wasn’t thinking that you might be in danger, too … Maybe I wasn’t thinking at all. It was stupid of me.”

    Tina squeezed a little tighter, and then let go, to look into her wife’s eyes. “Do you trust me now? … To be careful. Please don’t tell me you’re still not sure if she’s a threat.”

    Bette released her slanted grin to cross her arms. “You just want me admitting I’m wrong, is that it?”

    “I just want you to be safe.”

    Seeing Tina wouldn’t find any humor in the scenario, Bette put a strong arm over her shoulders, and gestured to their coats. “Promise you. I’ll take every precaution.”

    ”I guess we’ll look the station up on the GPS …? I have no idea where one even is …” Tina started as she took her jacket off the hook, and smiled uneasily. “I’ve never gone to the police before … for anything.”

    Bette did her best to manage a smile in return: “Neither have I.”


    1. I picked up on the “cable guy” as soon as it was mentioned because I know you don’t waste any words. Given Franklin’s reaction I still feel like there is some sort of doppelganger/time warpy thing sort of like in the movie Devil’s Pass.

      But then I might be totally misguided. At any rate, this sh*t spooks me out like crazy since I’ve had a stalker or two in my life.

      But I’m loving the story nevertheless, so thanks for it! Very different from your usual canon, and you are demonstrating you do very well across genres. :)

    2. This is the part of the story that I missed. Yikes. I still seems harmless but until there’s a post of boiling rabbit in the kitchen, them I’d say she’s gone too far. All without Bette cheating of course. GR you are grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!!! Thank you.

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