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    The Set Up (15)

    “What? Everybody needs that every once in a while. Even the great and powerful Bette Porter.”

    “Ooh,” Bette chuckled, “I like the way you say that.”

    James had walked over to the door of Bette’s office, seeing in to his boss’s expression – her laughter – and he almost tripped over his own two feet. He’d been sure that Bette would dismiss the woman, likely in a fit of rage. James knew Bette was a player, and while the woman on the phone had talked him into putting her through, he’d been entirely skeptical. But seeing it for his own eyes actually stunned the young man. His cold, heartless boss was laughing. She hardly ever smiled in an affectionate way, and there she was amidst her busy, chaotic day – laughing.

    “I’ve been thinking about you,” she smiled, rubbing her fingers over her temple as her lips were tugged into an even wider grin, “I really wanted to see you today, too. I’m so sorry, hunny.”

    James gulped at the pet name and slowly backtracked. If he knew anything about Bette, he knew that if a woman meant that much to her, listening in on the call could be deadly. Of course, he wouldn’t know that for certain because in all the time he’d been working for Bette, he’d never seen her that way. Not so happy.

    The real, hearty laughter sped up his steps all the way back to his desk, furrowing his brow as he turned back toward her office. Well, I’ll be damned.

    Bette sighed again in the comfort of her office, listening to Tina’s infectious laughter. How I love this woman. “So how is Angelica doing?”

    “Oh, I know you’re busy there. I’m not gonna keep you.”

    “No, really. I … guess I don’t have much time to talk, but I’d … like to know. I’ve been worried about her, too. It would take a load off my mind, actually.”

    “In that case,” Tina smiled, “We did talk. She said she didn’t tell her friend, Jessica, how much it’s getting to her because she didn’t think she’d understand. She told me some more about what was happening, and I’ve talked to the principal at her school, and he’ll talk to the children involved – without involving Angie directly. I don’t wanna give them any more reason to pick on her.”


    1. 😁 I feel redundant whenever I leave a comment because all I keep saying is “how awesome you are! 😘”. It seems manufactured and gives “let’s get this over with” feeling, but from the bottom of my heart you are awesome!!!! 😘 thank you GR

    2. GR you definitely are a MASTER of the HOT stuff! that dirty talk was to much, to explode your mind and body.There is a saying that women should be a lady in the house and a whore in bed and i think Tina is trying to prove that ha! but seriously i think sexual desire is not defined only as “the desire” to have sex,also are the fantasies that accompany,and the search for a satisfactory intensity.I love how Tina little by little is delivered, discovering the sensations caused by Bette’s body and herself,now she has to try to enjoy more without guilt or nagging.And for Bette must be nice to hear Tina say that she would take care of her if she get sick or something.This story is getting better BETTER…

    3. I read this at work and had to step away from my desk and walk around the block a few times. Dirty talking does the body good and I just can’t seem to find the superlatives to describe the hotness that took place. Thanks for sharing.

    4. sexy sexy sexy, if I were Bette in that office, I would die in the heaven. haha enjoy ur every story and chapter, hot or emotional, all are good writing and put on a lot work. thank you!

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