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    Growing Up – (Chapter: Interrupted)

                “You what?!”  Are her words as I walk past her and out of the restaurant.


                Outside, the sun is blazing overhead and I have to shield my eyes from its intensity.  Even in the short time I had been in there I can feel that the temperature has climbed considerably.  I walk through the parking lot to my car and I already feel the moisture accumulating on my neck.  For a moment I think it may have to do with the call I am about to make, but I convince myself I should not be nervous to do the right thing.  I open my phone and key in the number.  I look to the door of the restaurant expecting Dani to come out any second to stop me.  Waiting.  Waiting.  She does not come.


                “What am I waiting for?”  I yell out in frustration.  Half of me wants desperately to call her, but the other half is just looking for an excuse not to.  I take one last look at the door and with a deep sigh I press the ‘talk’ button.  I put the phone to my ear, but it does not ring.  Straining and pressing the phone harder against my face, I can hear background noise.


                “Hello?”  I hear a voice blasting through the earpiece.  In absolute bewilderment I pull the phone away and squint at the screen that is practically indecipherable in the sunlight.  “Hello?”  I hear the voice again and I look even closer.  The caller ID indicates that the call is connected to Sara.  What the hell?  I put the phone back to my ear.






                “Uh…yeah.”  I am tongue tied trying to figure out what just happened. 


                “What’s going on?  I have been trying to reach you all summer.”  She does not sound nearly as puzzled as I must.


                “Did I just call you?”


                “No I called you, but you took forever to say anything.”  I look at my display again and I see the ringer is off.  She must have been calling when I hit the talk button.


                “Oh, I’m sorry I was just about to make a call and I thought I dialed wrong.”

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    1. UUUgghhh!! You know what! You need to have Ashley either move on with Sara for get Spencer’s ass back over here! This is absolutely killing me…and your the murderer! How does it feel?

    2. ok now thats some messed up shit right there……sarah is up to something, i dont know what but its not good. What we need is for some serious frama to go down with spence and jesse so she can get her act together…w/e u know i loved it, so post more soon!

    3. Argg I was waiting for an update, and I am kinda disappointed. I was hoping for some Jesse Spencer drama to come up. Hmmm Please update as soon as you can. I love it.

    4. what the hell …?!? ugh… why does something always has to get into their way ???? damn, are you trying to drive us all crazy or what ?!…lol…still love your story…..a lot XD. i want more !…but dont rush anything…post whenever you can =)

    5. ok. so love your story but i want spencer and Ashley to have a talk already i miss my fav 2 people not being together. let them at least talk. keep writting love the story.

    6. You know how you’re always threatening to kill off some characters if enough people don’t leave you feedback? Well, if we all stop commenting on your story, will you please kill off Sara?!?! Or you could kill off Jesse, or even both! Whatever you need us to do to get Spencer and Ashley back together, just let us know.

    7. UUUgghhh!! You know what! You need to have Ashley either move on with Sara for get Spencer’s ass back over here! This is absolutely killing me…and your the murderer! How does it feel?

    8. ok now thats some messed up shit right there……sarah is up to something, i dont know what but its not good. What we need is for some serious frama to go down with spence and jesse so she can get her act together…w/e u know i loved it, so post more soon!

    9. Argg I was waiting for an update, and I am kinda disappointed. I was hoping for some Jesse Spencer drama to come up. Hmmm Please update as soon as you can. I love it.

    10. what the hell …?!? ugh… why does something always has to get into their way ???? damn, are you trying to drive us all crazy or what ?!…lol…still love your story…..a lot XD. i want more !…but dont rush anything…post whenever you can =)

    11. ok. so love your story but i want spencer and Ashley to have a talk already i miss my fav 2 people not being together. let them at least talk. keep writting love the story.

    12. You know how you’re always threatening to kill off some characters if enough people don’t leave you feedback? Well, if we all stop commenting on your story, will you please kill off Sara?!?! Or you could kill off Jesse, or even both! Whatever you need us to do to get Spencer and Ashley back together, just let us know.

    13. I’m with Christine77…bring on a Jesse/Spencer drama! lol…Dani is such a cutie pie…Sara, now seems like a biznatch! I’m also with alice9455 on the whole speaking of signs theory. Oh and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would all love 6 pages next time…hehe, I don’t think we’d mind, right? I know I wouldn’t, on the contrary, I’d LOVE IT=P

    14. I’m with Christine77…bring on a Jesse/Spencer drama! lol…Dani is such a cutie pie…Sara, now seems like a biznatch! I’m also with alice9455 on the whole speaking of signs theory. Oh and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would all love 6 pages next time…hehe, I don’t think we’d mind, right? I know I wouldn’t, on the contrary, I’d LOVE IT=P

    15. OH! My kingdom for seven cheerleaders …seven cheerleaders, each holding up one letter to spell out “S-P-E-N-C-E-R”! Hey Ash, is that a BIG ENOUGH sign for ya! Just call her already …besides, she’s probably broken up with Jess anyway (psst casey: hint hint). And if Ashley promises to be good and give us some good Spencer-luvin, I’ll even consider lending her my seven cheerleaders… to hold up an “I-L-U-V-Y-O-U” sign of course. (what ese did you think she’d do with’em, you perv! :o)

    16. OH! My kingdom for seven cheerleaders …seven cheerleaders, each holding up one letter to spell out “S-P-E-N-C-E-R”! Hey Ash, is that a BIG ENOUGH sign for ya! Just call her already …besides, she’s probably broken up with Jess anyway (psst casey: hint hint). And if Ashley promises to be good and give us some good Spencer-luvin, I’ll even consider lending her my seven cheerleaders… to hold up an “I-L-U-V-Y-O-U” sign of course. (what ese did you think she’d do with’em, you perv! :o)

    17. I’m left feeling a little “eh”. I don’t care about Sara at all. Ash and Spence, that’s what I’m interested in. Dani rocks, but Sara is “eh”. So, I hope they don’t go to the party, only because then I’ll be left feeling “eh” again. We need Spence and Ash to be at least sharing some dialogue before the momentum dies.

    18. I’m left feeling a little “eh”. I don’t care about Sara at all. Ash and Spence, that’s what I’m interested in. Dani rocks, but Sara is “eh”. So, I hope they don’t go to the party, only because then I’ll be left feeling “eh” again. We need Spence and Ash to be at least sharing some dialogue before the momentum dies.

    19. omg kick sarah to the curb!!!! We need Jesse and Spencer to have massive problems and for Ashley to save the day,and maybe for Dani to pick up the pieces with Jesse and for them to go out! Wow Im gettign way too excited, it is your story after all, and I love it.Please post again soon!

    20. omg kick sarah to the curb!!!! We need Jesse and Spencer to have massive problems and for Ashley to save the day,and maybe for Dani to pick up the pieces with Jesse and for them to go out! Wow Im gettign way too excited, it is your story after all, and I love it.Please post again soon!

    21. by the way 6 page update sound great… i love long entries… who here doesnt?? 6 pages!!! more questions get answered that way… o_0 ;-P

    22. by the way 6 page update sound great… i love long entries… who here doesnt?? 6 pages!!! more questions get answered that way… o_0 ;-P

    23. YOUR KILLING ME!!!! you know that?? a rather slow and quit painful death!!! GRRRRR ARRRGGGG!!!! wen do i see Spencer break up wit Jesse n run into Ashleys arms??? I dont know how much more of this i can take lolol but of course i love this story n will continue reading it 5-10-15x cuz u rock like that!!! KEEP’EM COMIN!!!!

    24. YOUR KILLING ME!!!! you know that?? a rather slow and quit painful death!!! GRRRRR ARRRGGGG!!!! wen do i see Spencer break up wit Jesse n run into Ashleys arms??? I dont know how much more of this i can take lolol but of course i love this story n will continue reading it 5-10-15x cuz u rock like that!!! KEEP’EM COMIN!!!!

    25. this is such a good story…so true to life…and we’re right there with Ash as she tries to figure things out and gets bashed around by the unpredictability of life…I like this a lot better than the formulaic fictions…they leave me flat…this one creaps in an stays with me. Keep up the good work caseygurl!! And…PMS!!

    26. this is such a good story…so true to life…and we’re right there with Ash as she tries to figure things out and gets bashed around by the unpredictability of life…I like this a lot better than the formulaic fictions…they leave me flat…this one creaps in an stays with me. Keep up the good work caseygurl!! And…PMS!!

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