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    Don’t You Blink.

    "Hey baby!" Ashley woke up to a soft welcoming kiss.

    Rubbing her eyes, she jumped a little. "Chelsea, what are you doing here?" The dark skinned girl pulled back from the kiss.

    She giggled. "Silly, i told you i would come and make you breakfast!" A puzzled look was imprinted across Ashley’s face.

    "Wh- Where’s Spence?" She tried to recollect herself. Did she just wake up to Chelsea, Clay’s girlfriend… Clay being HER girlfriend’s brother…, kissing her? What the hell was going on.

    Chelsea giggled again, "Her and Aiden never came home from their little ‘movie night.’"She quoted the air. Ashley stumbled out of her bed, and catiously wobbled over to the stairs.

    An even deeper look of puzzlement was formed across her face. Her girlfriend was off having a movie night, which she knew was obviously Aiden’s choice of words for them fucking all night long, with Aiden, while she stayed at home and, SICK! was awoken by Chelsea in the worst way possible. Great, she thought. But all she could mumble as she was walking down the stairs was a "What the fuck."

    Upon entering the kitchen, she noticed no one was there, so she knew her mother hadn’t changed at all in this parallel world she seemed to be in. Damnit, and that would’ve been the only good part, too. She slided onto one of the highstools at the island in her kitchen, and rubbed her forehead furosiously. She just couldn’t understand what was happening. She tried to recall what happened the night before.

    She had come home from the club with Spencer and Aiden. Aiden said he was going to ‘Hit the sack’, and left for his house. She had asked Spencer to stay the night with her, and she reluctantly agreed. They changed into comfortable pajamas, turned on a lifetime movie, and the last thing she remembered was falling asleep in the arms of her one true love… Which was definitely not Chelsea Lewis.

    So how the fuck did things end up how they are now?

    She decided maybe she’d play along with it, and everyone would jump out and yell, ‘Suprise!’ or something. Yeah, that was it, it must’ve been her birthday and she just happened to forget.

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