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    It took Ashley hours, but she was finally ready for her day of fun. She had everything she could possibly need. This including, Sun block, sung glasses, digital camera, and lip gloss. You never knew when you could use some lip gloss.


    A honk from outside captured her from her daze and sent her rushing out the door. “Hey Aiden,” She said greeting the guy in the driver’s seat. She began to throw her things into the back before she met Aiden at his window.


    “Where’s Kyla?” He asked eyeing her suspiciously.


    Soon Kyla was running out of the house with a toothbrush in her mouth and toothpaste on her lips. “Ashley,” She said pulling the brush from her lips and holding up her index finger while she spit the toothpaste on the ground. “Ashley, I asked you to wake me up. You know my alarm is broken.”


    “Sorry, I must have forgotten.” Ashley retorted.


    “You kno-” Kyla began but was cut off by Aiden.   


    “Hey, there will be no fighting on the day of fun.” He said. “And don’t worry, baby, we can wait a little bit longer. The theme park isn’t going anywhere.”


    “Thanks sweetie.” She planted a kiss on his cheek leaving a bit of paste and running back to the house. Aiden threw his hand against his face and wiped away the substance.


    Ashley pretended to dry hurl next to the car at the sight before her. She opened the door to the back seats and saw Spencer sitting right there. She greeted her with a light and quick kiss on the lips before smiling and looking at the leather of the seat. “What?” Spencer asked confused as why Ashley was staring at the seat.


    “Well, I wanted to sit there, baby.” Ashley said with a fake and over dramatic pout.


    “You can always sit here.” Spencer said playfully patting her own lap causing Ashley to giggle a bit.


    “Just move your big butt Carlin.” Ashley joked. Spencer moved over to the seat next to her as Ashley took over that one.


    Spencer stared at her hands that were neatly placed in her lap. The brunette watched her girlfriend as she became more and more sad. “Spence, baby what’s wrong?” She asked tucking a strand of blonde behind her ear.

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    1. That was sooo cute and very funny!!!! I love that you made this chapter because, Erin and I are probably going to Six Flags this weekend with a couple of our friends. Now, I know that I need to take her on the Ferris Wheel, LMAO!!! TTYL buddy and PMS!!!!

    2. That was sooo cute and very funny!!!! I love that you made this chapter because, Erin and I are probably going to Six Flags this weekend with a couple of our friends. Now, I know that I need to take her on the Ferris Wheel, LMAO!!! TTYL buddy and PMS!!!!

    3. LMAO!!!!! OMG Peanut!!! that was fantastic. you did such a great job. i was laugh WAY hard the whole time!! i loved how you circled everything together. OMG…i’m still laughing. i gotta read that again…….”and you though i had a bit one” ahhahahahaha i’m killing myself over here.

    4. LMAO!!!!! OMG Peanut!!! that was fantastic. you did such a great job. i was laugh WAY hard the whole time!! i loved how you circled everything together. OMG…i’m still laughing. i gotta read that again…….”and you though i had a bit one” ahhahahahaha i’m killing myself over here.

    5. This was SOOOO SOO wait it was brilliant and amazing and totally awesome..and magnificent!!! It had LOVE and it had HUMOR..and it wasnt SAD..this is just what i needed!!! AWESOMENESS!!!

    6. This was SOOOO SOO wait it was brilliant and amazing and totally awesome..and magnificent!!! It had LOVE and it had HUMOR..and it wasnt SAD..this is just what i needed!!! AWESOMENESS!!!

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