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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: Saying All The Wrong Things)

    It’s morning. Ashley calls Spencer.

    "Good morning Spence!"

    "Morning Ash! What’s up?"

    "Oh nothing, just wondering if you need a ride to school." Ashley says with a laugh 

    "Well i’m sure Glen will take me…"

    "Oh by the way. Look outside your window." and with that Ashley hangs up the phone. Spencer walks over to her window and looks outside.

    Ashley is leaning against her silver magnum staring in Spencers direction with a sexy look on her face. Tight black pants and a simple band t-shirt, her fathers band purple venom, with converse. Spencers is thinking "god she looks hot!"  

    Ashley screams across the street, "Earth to Spencer! haha get down here now!" Spencer almost trips putting on her jeans but screams back, "I’m coming!"

    Spencer hurrys to put the rest of her clothes on and bolts out the door unnoticed.

    The girls finally arrive at school, and none other than Madison is the first to greet them.

    "Well look at Ashleys’ new hook up everyone". Madison says as she turns to her group of friends and laughs. "Madison, Spence is my friend unlike some people around here" Ashley says as points at Madison and her friends. 

    Spencer becomes angry at what Madison has said, "I’m nobodys hook up Madison"

    "OH! so you are gay?!"

    "I never said that!"

    Spencer looks down at her feet with a sad look on her face, she can’t find anything to say to defend herself.

    Ashley notices Spencers defeat and cuts in. "Look whatever, Madison is just a little jealous because it seems like Aiden is a little interested more in you Spencer, than his own girlfriend." Ashley says trying to cheer Spencer up. 

    Madison throws a dirty look in Ashleys direction and walks off. 

    "Ash, you really think Aiden is into me?" Spencer said excitied

    "Yeah… He called me after we hung up last night. The boy never sleeps I swear." Ashley was lying, just looking for an excuse.

    "You think I have a chance with him?" Spencer says as she runs her fingers through her hair  

    Ashley becomes concered and worried. Saying what she said might not have been the best idea since she was the one who really liked Spencer. She blurts out the first thing that comes to mind.

    "Well he is dating Madison I don’t know."

    Ashley is very worried now, she’s regreting what she said already. Spencer is smiling and looking down almost as if she’s hiding her new found happy mood from Ashley. But they are just friends right? Isn’t Aiden what Spencer would want?

    "Well.. I better be getting to class, later Ashley!" Spencer says as she begins to walk off

    The brunette looks up "Bye."

    Spencer is already gone before Ashley can even say the word. She watches Spencer has she walks away and notices Aiden walking in her direction.

    Spencer and Aiden are talking for a while, looking very flirtatious. Aiden keeps finding ways to touch Spencers arm or shoulder.

    Ashley gets mad and storms off to class.


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