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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: Moving in, Coming out)

    “I can’t believe I have to stay in a dorm room….with a roommate. This is going to be interesting. The information the school sent me said she’s from Ohio.” Ashley said to Aiden as he carried her bags up to the dorm room door. “she’s probably right off the farm, pig tails, overalls, maybe missing a few teeth”


    Aiden sighed as he dropped the bags to the floor, waiting for Ashley to open the door. “Ashley, don’t you think you’re stereotyping just a bit?”


    “um….no, not really. Besides, Aiden look who you’re talking to. I am not meant to share a room with anyone” she said as she slipped the key into the lock. “That’s not what I heard” Aiden chimed in before the door swung open. Ashley shot him and then peeked in the room.


    Half of the room was empty and the other was already set up. “Looks like she’s already here, but I don’t see her” Aiden noted, and he threw a few bags on the bed. Ashley shrugged “Good, I’m in no rush to meet her”


    Aiden stuck around and helped Ashley put most of her stuff away. The room looked nothing like the one she had at home, it was half the size and her bed wasn’t nearly as big, but it was starting to livable.


    “Not too bad, I’m afraid to see what my room is going to look like” Aiden said as he surveyed the room. Ashley wouldn’t let on that she was happy that Aiden was also going to USC but she was. “I’m going to go and get my stuff in the room, I’m a couple of buildings down if you want to stop in” He said in a suggestive tone. Ashley rolled her eyes and flung a pillow at him.


    Aiden pulled Ashley into a tight hug. “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine” he whispered into her ear. Ashley pulled out and noticed someone else was in the room. Aiden turned around to see what she was staring at.


    “I hope I’m not interrupting anything” the blonde said in a shy voice. Both Ashley and Aiden were just gazing at the beautiful girl who was still standing in the doorway waiting for a response. “I’m Spencer” she said breaking the silence, and reaching out her hand “You must be Ashley”

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    1. ohh. i like it :] please tell me you’re not one of the ones who start off a story and then just drop off in the middle of it? that just wouldn’t be cool. seriously.

    2. Ah ha! I love it. The whole stereo type thing? It happens to the best of us. I love it though. And Spencer is shy? and out? and in college? This is a must read! love xoxo.

    3. damn, there are just so many good new fics being written i can hardly keep track! Like this one a lot and will be following avidly fo’ sure! You write well PMS

    4. ohh. i like it :] please tell me you’re not one of the ones who start off a story and then just drop off in the middle of it? that just wouldn’t be cool. seriously.

    5. Ah ha! I love it. The whole stereo type thing? It happens to the best of us. I love it though. And Spencer is shy? and out? and in college? This is a must read! love xoxo.

    6. damn, there are just so many good new fics being written i can hardly keep track! Like this one a lot and will be following avidly fo’ sure! You write well PMS

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