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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 2)

    The girls were putting the final touches on their room, trying to get it just right. Ashley put up a couple of rock posters and set up her guitar on the stand in the corner next to her bed. Spencer put up pictures of her family and going away cards her friends had given her before she left. The room was a little cramped but neither of the girls complained. They had been chatting and laughing the whole time.


    “Your family looks nice” Ashley commented as she looked at the pictures Spencer had put up on the wall over her bed. “Oh, yeah they’re nice” Spencer took a seat on the bed and patted the space next to her as if to say ‘take a seat’. Ashley did so and took a seat right next the blonde.


    Spencer pointed to a picture of her family at a barbeque they once had. “This is my dad, he’s a social worker” She said pointing to a tall man in a kiss the cook apron that Ashley couldn’t help but laugh at. “That’s my mom….she’s a nightmare, I mean doctor” she went on to the two older boys “and those are my brothers Glen and Clay.”  Ashley smiled at the picture and then up at Spencer, who also had a smile on her face. They stayed like that for what seemed a lot longer than a few heartbeats, just smiling. Spencer broke out of the daze first “So what about your family, what are they like?”


    Ashley’s smile faded a bit and she walked over to her desk drawer, pulled out two pictures and sat back down next to Spencer. “This is my dad” she said handing her the first picture. It was of a five year old Ashley and a man who looked too familiar, Spencer looked up and realized that the man in the picture was also in one of Ashley’s poster. “He was a popular musician, always on tour, this is my favorite picture of him though, he passed away almost two years ago”


    “I’m so sorry Ashley” Spencer genuinely sounded concerned. “Its ok” Ashley responded and showed her the second picture “This is my half sister Kyla”.

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    1. i’m liking the speediness of your updates and I’m loving the story! I have only one more thing to add, make that two actually – PMS and screw aiden!

    2. hm. ok, so 1) great post. 2) but he’s cool i guess. hah. and 3) i say..two a night just isn’t enough sometimes. (that could be taken soo many ways. but i meant it in the non-dirty one. i was talking about posts). so i say …three? please?

    3. i’m liking the speediness of your updates and I’m loving the story! I have only one more thing to add, make that two actually – PMS and screw aiden!

    4. hm. ok, so 1) great post. 2) but he’s cool i guess. hah. and 3) i say..two a night just isn’t enough sometimes. (that could be taken soo many ways. but i meant it in the non-dirty one. i was talking about posts). so i say …three? please?

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