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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 14-Will You?)

    I watched the video from the TV to my left. It began quite simple. She was walking through hallways as if she was looking for something. Wind blowing, music booming. Her black dress following behind her. When the song got to the second chorus she was still running down the hallway but a brunette stepped out of the darkness. My eyes widened as she wrapped her arms around the unknown girl’s neck and enveloped her in a kiss. I kept looking at the brunette. Her hair was curly, brown eyes. She was wearing a tight pair of black pants, black vest, and high heels. My eyes wanted to tear away from the screen but they wouldn’t. The unknown brunette looked almost exactly like me. Style, hair, body, it was all there. Whoever they had cast for the part was my twin down to a “T”.


    I looked at her, giving her the most pissed off look that I could muster. She gave me a weak smile and a little shrug of her shoulders. I moved a little closer to her, “What the FUCK is that?” I whispered through a weak smile that I was flashing to the audience.


    “I’m sorry.”


    “Oh you’re not sorry just yet. Just tell me what the hell I’m watching.”


    “Can we talk about this later?”


    “Yes, but you better have a damn good explanation for me.”


    I finished watching the video. It mimicked what had happened between the two of us in the bathroom that night perfectly. Except the brunette she was kissing didn’t pull away. The rest of the video showed them in different places and positions. They switched from a hallway to a scene where they’re laying in a bed, looking each other in the eyes. It was nicely done but I didn’t exactly like the fact that the whole concept was based on real events.


    After the video was done we had our separate seats in “The Ringer”. We both stayed out in the audience just hanging out until it was our time to answer the questions that the hosts had for us. Unfortunately I was up first. When the host said my name I stood up from the small bench of people that I had squeezed into. I walked to the middle of the room in front of the cameras and everyone else.

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    1. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

    2. Great update! I always look forward to this story. What’s up with Kelly? LOL. I thought the whole video scenes were great…Can’t wait until the next. I hope Spencer doesn’t get mad at Ashley about the video when Kelly was sooo exaggerating…Love it!

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