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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: Chapter 16-Planning)

    “Ash, what do you think of this?”


    I glanced over at Spencer from my laptop. She was holding a bridal magazine, “That one’s cute.”


    She wanted us both to wear dresses in the wedding. I had no objections. Her other plan was for our dresses to be our colors. The only problem with that was the fact that we didn’t exactly have our colors yet. But I guess that could be picked after we figured out what dresses we wanted.


    “Spence, what colors are you thinking of for these dresses of ours?” I began typing away on my laptop.


    “I don’t know. I was thinking anything but black and white.”


    “That narrows the field down to about a million.” I said.


    “Well, what are you thinking of? I mean, Ash, we haven’t even figured out where we’re having the wedding at.”


    “Spence, do you honestly want your wedding to another woman to take place in a church?” I looked over at her.


    “Good point.” There was silence as Spencer was thinking of another venue for our wedding, “What about the beach?”


    I thought about it in my head. I pictured a ceremony and right then and there I knew what are colors were going to be. A wide smile crossed my face, “Spence, you’re brilliant.”


    She wore a smile similar to mine, “Really?”


    “Yes. The beach is perfect. And I know what our colors should be. I know you said no black and white but what about pink and white?”


    “Alright, but who’s wearing the pink dress and who’s wearing the white dress?”


    “The great part about wedding or prom dresses is that we can use more than one color. All we have to do is pick dresses that have small designs on them that can be turned pink or white.” I grabbed the bridal magazine and pointed to a black dress that had small hints of white on it. It even had white beadwork in the design of flowers, “Okay look at this one. We switch the black to pink and then keep the white flowers white. It’s simple but it’d be beautiful.”


    “Oh my gosh Ash, why didn’t we think of this sooner?!”

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    1. Love this story. I want their wedding to be so beautiful with love and no drama…so that Paula and everyone can see that this kind of love CAN last. please …begging…(smile)…they deserve some public happiness finally! LOL. Can’t wait for the next post!

    2. Love this story. I want their wedding to be so beautiful with love and no drama…so that Paula and everyone can see that this kind of love CAN last. please …begging…(smile)…they deserve some public happiness finally! LOL. Can’t wait for the next post!

    3. OMG!!! havent posted a comment for you before but have just sat up and read all the parts of this story in one go and i just had to tell you how amazing i think it is! please please keep up the good work and i cant wait for your next instalment in the tale :-P

    4. OMG!!! havent posted a comment for you before but have just sat up and read all the parts of this story in one go and i just had to tell you how amazing i think it is! please please keep up the good work and i cant wait for your next instalment in the tale :-P

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