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    The best year ever – (Chapter: Prophecies to be fullfiled)

    “Come on Ash!!!”

    “Coming…jeez Spence…hold your horses…”

    Spencer was practically dragging Ashley down the stairs of her house and out the door.  They were meeting up with Sam and a few other people to see a concert at the Kodak Theater and Spencer was excited.  It was some benefit concert that Sam had gotten them tickets to as a favor to Ashley and Spencer had been going nuts ever since she found out they were going. 

    Spencer was all dolled up in a form fitting red dress while Ashley was decked out in a LOW cut black dress that left little to the imagination.  They hopped into Ashley’s car and soon they were gracing the streets of LA with Spencer chatting on and on about the concert.

    “This is so cool…I heard that this event was sold out…”

    “Yeah well they usually do stuff like this as a promotional thing anyway…”

    “Who cares…this is going to be awesome!!!”

    Ashley just smiled at Spencer and maneuvered her car expertly through the traffic.  They managed to find a parking spot and soon they were making their way up the red carpet to the event.  Sam was waiting for them at the entrance with two other friends.  Ashley spotted them and waived while taking Spencer’s hand and leading her through the crowd over to them.

    “Hey Sam…”

    “Oh hey guys…Ashley…Spencer…this is Nicole and Josh…guys this is the girl I was telling you about…”

    “And you definitely didn’t lie…”

    Josh smiled at Ashley who gave him a warm smile in return with just enough flirt in it to make him grin back and but not quite enough to make Spencer jealous.  Nicole was a tall brunette with an amazing smile and a contagious laugh and Spencer liked her almost immediately. It also didn’t hurt that she was drop dead gorgeous with a model figure, eyes that make you melt and the fact that she was all dolled up tonight in a Vera Wang that must have cost more money than Spencer would ever see in her lifetime.   Yeah definitely a sight for sore eyes.  Josh on the other hand was quite a handsome young man and he obviously took a liking to Ashley almost immediately.  He reminded Spencer of a sort of Colin Ferrel look alike and he already had Ashley engrossed in a deep convo about music or something like that and Spencer had to tug on her hand to remind Ash that they were heading inside.

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