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    Everything And Nothing – (Chapter: I’ll take you to heaven)

    A thousand things raced through Ashley’s mind as she sat staring open mouthed at Spencer. Aiden was here. Here in Texas. At her University. Okay so the University wasn’t hers but still how could she have not known that Aiden was here. She had forgotten the day that they had the school signing assembly for Aiden at King, well she had skipped but that was the same as forgetting. If she had known that he would be here she wouldn’t have come. Not after what had happened between them.



    “Um Ashley are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost or something, your face is priceless,” Spencer quipped casually trying to lighten the mood and simultaneously pulling Ashley from her private thoughts. I wonder if he even knows I’m here. What if she never wants to talk to me after she finds out? What if he causes problems for me at this school too?



    “I have to tell you something right now. I know Aiden. We had well we um… we… had a thing in high school for a little bit. It wasn’t anything extremely serious just a thing,” all of Ashley’s words came out in a rush almost running together. Her mind was still reeling from the fact that Aiden was here.  Spencer’s blue eyes searched her from top to bottom and suddenly realization dawned in them.



    “Oh my god. You’re THE Ashley. From high school. The one that broke his heart, when you left him for someone else. Wow. I can’t believe I’m sitting here with you,” it was Ashley’s turn to search Spencer with her eyes. She looked for any hint that the other girl might think less of her because of who she was. As she took in Spencer a smile spread across the other girl’s face and it warmed Ashley’s heart.



    “He would probably kill me if he knew I was here with you.”



    “I guess you like to live dangerously then don’t you?”



    “Maybe. If you weren’t going on that date you could have found out just how dangerous I can be.” Ashley gawked at her. Was she still flirting with her? Or was this girl just friendly? It was best to play it safe. Ignore the innuendos and just move on with the conversation. After all Ashley didn’t want to get caught up in something with Spencer. Even though she was telling herself the exact opposite an hour beforehand. Thankfully she felt the numbness coming back into her body. Numbness that Samantha had put there and Ashley realized how close she had been to getting her heart trampled on again.

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    1. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    2. I agree with all of the above comments. Why does Aiden ruin everything?? Ashley is about to break his heart again by taking Spencer away from him. Good! PMS!

    3. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    4. hey guys I just wanted to apologize about the kiss… I ended up cutting it. But keep reading because the sparks that fly are going to be worth it.

    5. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

    6. I just found this story today and I love it so far. LMFAO Kristen is an idiot, but that makes her funny. I couldn’t stop laughing when she thought spence and ash were trying to scare her.

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