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    Backstage Passes – (Chapter: 12: ‘Plan’ is an evil word)

    Lisa wasn’t what I expected. Long black hair, green eyes, pretty tall, slim, sweet voice not timid at all like I was expecting, sweet and innocent like Spencer, but she wasn’t. Shy, yes. Innocent, no. She looked a lot hotter than Hayley, with her blonde hair, so skinny I’m sure she was bordering anorexia and that voice, god it was so bugging, so high pitched, talk about strangled cats.


    Why the hell was Hayley here anyway? S’pose it was my fault her and Spencer broke up, man I actually feel kind of bad. Kind of. Why is she looking over to her? I should really go and apologise. I walk over to her; she gives me some evil look which I guess I maybe deserve.


    “Hayley, look I’m sorry about Spencer and I, nobody deserves that.”


    “Whatever. You do know she doesn’t love you right? She just wants the money.”


    “Fuck off. Spencer isn’t like that. You’re just gutted about what happened.”


    “Yeah? How many times did she go ‘Ash I really don’t want you to buy me things’? Knowing that you would, so she didn’t seem like a gold-di-”


    “Don’t even finish that sentence.”



    “Why because you know it’s true?” Ok she is really starting to piss me off.


    “Why are you even here Hayley? I thought you wanted to be friends with Spence. How is calling her to me behind her back going to do that? You know she will believe me over you when I tell her all the things you’ve been saying about her.”


    “Doesn’t matter to me. The only reason Paula invited me down was to wreck the two of you.”




    “Yeah, Paula doesn’t like you, she likes me, wants Spencer to be in my life, but I don’t want the skank.”


    “Don’t. Call. Her!”


    “Hit a nerve did I?” She smirked. Bitch.


    “Whatever.” I start to walk away; I would talk to Mrs. C. tomorrow about this, not at Spencer’s party and here I thought we managed to work everything out. Well I would’ve walked away if it wasn’t for some skinny ass hand grabbing me back.


    “Don’t walk away from me.” I rolled my eyes and walked away again, until I felt the same bony fingers wrap around my arms once more. “I told you not to walk away from me.” Fuck what the hell is that stinging pain? Damn, the bitch slapped me. Screw this. I had to hit her back, I mean nobody hits me and gets away with it, I have the right, right? Right. Next thing I knew I had her pinned on the floor, Aiden and Glen pulling me off.

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    1. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

    2. dun dun dunnn…i bet that hand belonged to paula. cuz paulas freakin lame like that. but hmm…ash and spence grinding on one another, not a bad picture! not a bad picture at all.

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