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    Backstage Passes – (Chapter: 13: Bad to Worse)

    “Dad what’s up?” I asked when he spun Ashley around. His face was completely blank.


    “Ash, you better come with me.” What is up with him?


    “Mr. C. what is it?”


    “Just. Please?”


    “Ok.” They started walking off. I trailed behind them. We went into my mum and dads room. Mum still had a tear stained face, but looked so sympathetic when we walked in the room. “Mrs. C. what’s up?” Even Ashley was starting to worry now.


    “Ash, you’d better watch the T.V.” She pointed over to the screen, we both turned our heads.


    ‘Rock star legend Raife Davies, was in an awful plane accident on his way to New York earlier today. A sudden burst of turbulence hit in the sky, taking the plane down. There are no reports of any survivors…’ “Turn it off.” Wow I’ve never heard Ash sound so demanding. Instead it was just turned down.


    “I’m really sorry Ashley.” I say going over to her.


    “Spence. Not right now ok?” Well at least that didn’t sound angry. She sounds so sad. Ok that’s an understatement. I’ve never heard her sound like this.




    “Guys, do you mind a minute?” Ash hinted for the three of us to leave the room. We started making our way out. “Spence. Not you. I need you here?” It was more of a question. Her voice started cracking, I could tell she was trying to be strong.


    “Of course. We will be down soon.” I said to mum and dad before they left. They gave me a slight nod before closing the door. “Stupid question, but are you ok?” I asked, making my over to sit on the bed with her.


    “You’re right. Stupid question.” She slightly smiled, showing me she was joking.


    “Ash, you can break down in front of me.” And with that she threw her arms around me and started sobbing into my shoulder. I didn’t know what to say, so it was just a lot of ‘shh’ and ‘it will be ok’ coming from my mouth while I was rubbing her back.


    “Spencer, I hardly ever seen him. I was lucky to see him 5 times a year.”

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    1. “cant promise anything there” hahaha good line. for sure. aww thats so sad though :-(. poor ashley. how the hell did hayley get back in anyways? wtf? lol. randommm. but nonetheless a great update

    2. “cant promise anything there” hahaha good line. for sure. aww thats so sad though :-(. poor ashley. how the hell did hayley get back in anyways? wtf? lol. randommm. but nonetheless a great update

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