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    Completely Incomplete – (Chapter: 36)

    Unwilling to give in to what everyone was asking of me, I decided to take my own approach. The next time Ashley called, I wasn’t going to settle for anything less than an official relationship. It was time for me to take a stand for myself, and what I wanted. I was sick of having to take everyone else’s problems and have them affect my life. Even Ashley’s.

    I threw my hood over my head, and breathed in again. I wondered how long it would take for my own scent to completely overtake the one Ashley had left on it; I wondered if mine ever would. Ashley had said she was going to call back in a little while, so I decided to just curl up on the couch with some good old Sex and the City while I was waiting for her. Right after my 2nd episode was finished, my cell began to ring.


    “Hey Spence. Sorry about before, I was in the middle of a production meeting,” Ashley told me.

    “It’s alright. How did it go?”

    “It was fine. The album we’re doing now is almost done with editing… it’s just a catch-up to make sure we’re all on the same page and stuff.”

    “That’s good,” I commented, entirely unsure of what any of that meant.

    “Yup. So… what were we talking about before?”

    “Um…” Just say it, damnit! Don’t be a scared little baby about it anymore! “I, uh… I don’t remember, actually.” Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    “Neither do I,” she laughed. “I’m so excited to see you, though! Only another week or so.”

    “I know, I’m excited too!”

    “I miss you, Spence,” she said quietly. “And I know that we haven’t really seen eye to eye on things lately… but I’m really, really happy that you’re still willing to try to work things out and, you know, like, deal with me and everything. I know I’m not the easiest person to handle.” How was I supposed to take a stand when everything she said just made me want to go, “awww!”? How could I try to defend myself after that? There was just no way.

    “What you lack in being easy to handle, you make up for in everything else.”

    “Thank you,” she replied bashfully. “And… you know, you too. Except I feel like I’m a lot more difficult than you could ever be.”

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    1. then stop being so fucking dramatic, pack your shit, and book your ass a flight to fucking L.A. and get your fucking girl back! GAH! girls are so stupid sometimes! yes, i admit it! as a female we are idiots! but we are right 98% of the time…JUST so everyone knows lol. but ughhh. just like..OH! idea! a grand one at that. get spencer fired. GET HER FIRED DAMN IT! lol then she has nothing to keep her in new york. shes too effing stubborn to realize theres nothing keeping her there now but this way there really WILL be nothing keeping her there. so lets do it! get her ass fired hahaha! mmm great update, though it did make me sad. bah. cant wait for the next.

    2. I agree with 16x and Tay either Spencer should get fired or quit because she can prolly have an even better job in LA defending people she needs to pack up and ship out being in LA can only help her

    3. I totally lost my posting streak on being first to post on your stories. But real life called and I had to answer unfortunately. Thanks for the shoutout but you’re the one who’s awesome for posting again. You made me so happy! I really don’t know what to think about Spencer and Ashley right now. I’m as confused as they are. I see where both of them are coming from but I don’t know who I agree with more. I do think that Spencer should move back to L.A. But I also think that Ashley should get over her fear and just commit to Spencer. I know you will do what’s best for them though. Spencer does totally need to apologize to everyone she was mean to today. She may have been upset but that’s no excuse to be hateful. I wonder what Michelle was going to tell her? Anyway, you’re awesome and this update was awesome. You’re the best!

    4. Yup, Spencer’s been taken over by an alien and I’m sticking to it. Silly chapter, made me so frustrated I pounded my fist on the table and flipped over a bowl of M&Ms. I’ll just have to content myself with the knowledge that I’ll have some answers soon. Like, really soon *nudge nudge*

    5. Awww now shes 3 for 3 in a bad way lol can we call this a case of extreme pms? naw j/k Spence is definately in a rough patch here, but i can understand wheres shes coming from, but also where everyone else is coming from. Such a dilemma. Good Chapter PMS …Can’t Wait…:)

    6. then stop being so fucking dramatic, pack your shit, and book your ass a flight to fucking L.A. and get your fucking girl back! GAH! girls are so stupid sometimes! yes, i admit it! as a female we are idiots! but we are right 98% of the time…JUST so everyone knows lol. but ughhh. just like..OH! idea! a grand one at that. get spencer fired. GET HER FIRED DAMN IT! lol then she has nothing to keep her in new york. shes too effing stubborn to realize theres nothing keeping her there now but this way there really WILL be nothing keeping her there. so lets do it! get her ass fired hahaha! mmm great update, though it did make me sad. bah. cant wait for the next.

    7. I agree with 16x and Tay either Spencer should get fired or quit because she can prolly have an even better job in LA defending people she needs to pack up and ship out being in LA can only help her

    8. I totally lost my posting streak on being first to post on your stories. But real life called and I had to answer unfortunately. Thanks for the shoutout but you’re the one who’s awesome for posting again. You made me so happy! I really don’t know what to think about Spencer and Ashley right now. I’m as confused as they are. I see where both of them are coming from but I don’t know who I agree with more. I do think that Spencer should move back to L.A. But I also think that Ashley should get over her fear and just commit to Spencer. I know you will do what’s best for them though. Spencer does totally need to apologize to everyone she was mean to today. She may have been upset but that’s no excuse to be hateful. I wonder what Michelle was going to tell her? Anyway, you’re awesome and this update was awesome. You’re the best!

    9. Yup, Spencer’s been taken over by an alien and I’m sticking to it. Silly chapter, made me so frustrated I pounded my fist on the table and flipped over a bowl of M&Ms. I’ll just have to content myself with the knowledge that I’ll have some answers soon. Like, really soon *nudge nudge*

    10. Awww now shes 3 for 3 in a bad way lol can we call this a case of extreme pms? naw j/k Spence is definately in a rough patch here, but i can understand wheres shes coming from, but also where everyone else is coming from. Such a dilemma. Good Chapter PMS …Can’t Wait…:)

    11. Great Update, shame things aren’t going to good for spashley at the moment =[ I wish Spencer would just go and live with Ash, they’d be all cute and happy together! Update soon!

    12. Great Update, shame things aren’t going to good for spashley at the moment =[ I wish Spencer would just go and live with Ash, they’d be all cute and happy together! Update soon!

    13. Spencer wtf! (i almost put bitchwtf but then remembered it was a story, and had to calm down…) pfft i guess you see the effect this has on me! But youre amazing. And I…

    14. Spencer wtf! (i almost put bitchwtf but then remembered it was a story, and had to calm down…) pfft i guess you see the effect this has on me! But youre amazing. And I…

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