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    The Ground Beneath Her Feet – (Chapter: Her beauty’s beat.)

    I have never been to Louisiana before. I wish I was going to the prettier parts. Sometimes when I drive, I take the time to imagine little scenarios in my head. Day dream if you will, except most of my driving is done at night.

    I think of Ashley being next to me, holding my hand. Sometimes we’re driving down the California coast, sunglasses on, wind in our hair. How my beat up old bomb becomes a convertible I don’t know, but it does. Or now, we could be heading down to New Orleans, to see the sights. Or as they were before hurricane Katrina.

    I can imagine strolling through the streets with her hand in mine. Always her hand is in mine. Wherever I send us, her hand is in mine. Sometimes I see us driving up to see my parents, two small bodies sleeping peacefully in the back seat. One has brown curly hair and one has blonde. And she’s smiling at me from the front seat, hand in mine.

    Then I have to stop thinking these things because the ache intensifies again.

    The lights are shining on the road in front of me, and I think I’m about to hit a truck stop. Fine by me because I need a stretch of my legs and a drink.

    There are some guys hanging around the restrooms as I step into the diner. A lady is perched behind the counter reading a magazine. I swear to god she has blue hair, a uniform and those glasses that have wings. I think I know her name is Doris before I even get to the counter.

    “How can I help you sweet-pea?” Oh heaven preserve us, I’m driving through a cliché.

    “Diet Coke and a mars please,” the only reason I stay thin is because this is quite often my meal for a day. Did I mention that my dad’s getting worried about my eating. Everytime I go home he tries to fatten me up.

    “Sure thing honey, you sure you don’t want something else,” She’s eyeing me off and I know she wants to fatten me up. What is this, some kind of Hansel and Gretal acid trip?

    “I’m good thanks.” I put the change down on the counter and smile. I make with my chocolate and coke, back to the car before I can be leered at by the truck drivers hanging around the lavatories.

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    1. My dear, you’ve outdone yourself again… I’d love to smack Spencer for walking away though! There are some things in life you don’t walk away from true love is at the very top of the list followed by chocolate and Angelina Jolie ;) At least Spence is going back though… Although we’d all LOVE to know WHY… ok ok sue me I’m impatient… j/k loving this fic… draw it out as long as you want to! Nonono… didn’t like the oneshot.. LOVED the oneshot… that little piece was orgasmic!

    2. I feel really, really bad that people aren’t commenting for you anymore. I’ve usually been lazy with the comments because I barely have enough time to read the stories, but I’m going to try to comment more often on your stories. Out of every author on this site, you definitely deserve it the most. Okay, so now to the commenting, I have loved every single story that has flowed out of your head. After Best For Me ended, I didn’t think you could top that off. BFM was just so damn good, but I’m honestly just blown away by your ability to continue to write the best stories ever. I love the direction of this FF. It’s unlike anything else I’ve read before. I was so distraught after reading your last post because of the whole Aiden/Ashley thing. A part of the reason was because I’m still harboring some residual anger towards Aiden because of the season finale, but the bigger reason is the way you’ve built up the characters in this story. You made Spencer so vulnerable, so open to us, so when that moment came, that moment when Ash hurt her, I felt an actual physical pain. I love that you know how to blend emotion, compelling storylines, drama, wit, and whatever else it takes to write a good story in all your FFs. As upset as the start of this chapter made me, you did a great job turning things around for me in the end. This story is awesome like your other ones, so thank you and please don’t stop writing anytime soon and definitely don’t get discouraged by lazy idiots like me who don’t comment because I promise I won’t stop reading anytime soon.

    3. I don’t know how you do it, but your stories always pull me in. I love them all!! The flashbacks in this story are divine, coupled with the present they are a little heartbreaking. Hopefully, Spencer will find what she is looking for soon!!!

    4. arghh this is just too sad!! dammit why did ashley slept with aiden?? wth was she thinking? and spencer forgiving her just like that? why aren’t they admiting their feelings for each other when it’s so obvious already? i know i got lotsa questions. but the main one is how badly did spence hurt ash to come to where they are now? one running and the other chasing? pls post soon!!

    5. My dear, you’ve outdone yourself again… I’d love to smack Spencer for walking away though! There are some things in life you don’t walk away from true love is at the very top of the list followed by chocolate and Angelina Jolie ;) At least Spence is going back though… Although we’d all LOVE to know WHY… ok ok sue me I’m impatient… j/k loving this fic… draw it out as long as you want to! Nonono… didn’t like the oneshot.. LOVED the oneshot… that little piece was orgasmic!

    6. I feel really, really bad that people aren’t commenting for you anymore. I’ve usually been lazy with the comments because I barely have enough time to read the stories, but I’m going to try to comment more often on your stories. Out of every author on this site, you definitely deserve it the most. Okay, so now to the commenting, I have loved every single story that has flowed out of your head. After Best For Me ended, I didn’t think you could top that off. BFM was just so damn good, but I’m honestly just blown away by your ability to continue to write the best stories ever. I love the direction of this FF. It’s unlike anything else I’ve read before. I was so distraught after reading your last post because of the whole Aiden/Ashley thing. A part of the reason was because I’m still harboring some residual anger towards Aiden because of the season finale, but the bigger reason is the way you’ve built up the characters in this story. You made Spencer so vulnerable, so open to us, so when that moment came, that moment when Ash hurt her, I felt an actual physical pain. I love that you know how to blend emotion, compelling storylines, drama, wit, and whatever else it takes to write a good story in all your FFs. As upset as the start of this chapter made me, you did a great job turning things around for me in the end. This story is awesome like your other ones, so thank you and please don’t stop writing anytime soon and definitely don’t get discouraged by lazy idiots like me who don’t comment because I promise I won’t stop reading anytime soon.

    7. I don’t know how you do it, but your stories always pull me in. I love them all!! The flashbacks in this story are divine, coupled with the present they are a little heartbreaking. Hopefully, Spencer will find what she is looking for soon!!!

    8. arghh this is just too sad!! dammit why did ashley slept with aiden?? wth was she thinking? and spencer forgiving her just like that? why aren’t they admiting their feelings for each other when it’s so obvious already? i know i got lotsa questions. but the main one is how badly did spence hurt ash to come to where they are now? one running and the other chasing? pls post soon!!

    9. damn right you got mad skills!! i was going to write it with a z..but i was like wait…i’m not THAT lame lol. goooosh i loooove this story. did i ever tell you that? like honestly, have i? because i think you need to hear it lol. again and again and again! amaaaazing.

    10. damn right you got mad skills!! i was going to write it with a z..but i was like wait…i’m not THAT lame lol. goooosh i loooove this story. did i ever tell you that? like honestly, have i? because i think you need to hear it lol. again and again and again! amaaaazing.

    11. Thanks for the awesome comments in your notes. I can only leave such comments because you give me something so great to read. You are definitely one of my favorite author’s on this site. You rock, plain and simple. On to the story, it bothers me that Ashley slept with Aiden and we have no idea why. Was she drunk? Was she trying to get Spencer to realize her true feelings for Ashley? Why? Although I do understand Spencer’s willingness to forgive Ashley so fast. That’s what you do when you love someone. That kiss was pretty hot. Funny that Spencer still has no clue of what her relationship with Ashley is turning into. But the question still remains, what the heck did Spencer do to Ashley? PMS!

    12. Thanks for the awesome comments in your notes. I can only leave such comments because you give me something so great to read. You are definitely one of my favorite author’s on this site. You rock, plain and simple. On to the story, it bothers me that Ashley slept with Aiden and we have no idea why. Was she drunk? Was she trying to get Spencer to realize her true feelings for Ashley? Why? Although I do understand Spencer’s willingness to forgive Ashley so fast. That’s what you do when you love someone. That kiss was pretty hot. Funny that Spencer still has no clue of what her relationship with Ashley is turning into. But the question still remains, what the heck did Spencer do to Ashley? PMS!

    13. so, i really want to know what was going on in ashley’s head during that party – did she even like aiden? or was she just confused? and woohoo! they kissed! haha. i’m really really excited for the next ones! please keep updating!

    14. so, i really want to know what was going on in ashley’s head during that party – did she even like aiden? or was she just confused? and woohoo! they kissed! haha. i’m really really excited for the next ones! please keep updating!

    15. Great chapter, a coke and a mars bar, she must be super hungry i know i would lol Aww poor spencer and ashley, i think i’m starting to sorta see what went on between them. Update soon, i love this story!

    16. Great chapter, a coke and a mars bar, she must be super hungry i know i would lol Aww poor spencer and ashley, i think i’m starting to sorta see what went on between them. Update soon, i love this story!

    17. i was really burned by ashley in the last chapter, but you definitely made up for it in this one. incredibly intense moment between them, it was perfect. shreveport better have answers! and hey! new orleans is looking better and better every day. you should fly the gazillion hours it is and check the city out one day!

    18. i was really burned by ashley in the last chapter, but you definitely made up for it in this one. incredibly intense moment between them, it was perfect. shreveport better have answers! and hey! new orleans is looking better and better every day. you should fly the gazillion hours it is and check the city out one day!

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