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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 21-What Happened)


    "Spencer, Aiden and I…we were together like that.  But, I didn’t like it because it wasn’t you…"  I didn’t want to hear anymore.  Unfortunately I couldn’t go anywhere.

    "Stop Ashley, I knew I didn’t want to hear this.  And you think you would be able to say that you had sex with Aiden, it’s not like you are shy about that stuff.  Could you just get my stuff out so I can go inside."

    "No, I want to explain this some more." 

    "Ashley, please.  It’s not my business, we weren’t together."  I tell her.

    "But it bothers you and we just started to talk.  This could ruin the friendship that we just started to form again.  If you are upset…"

    "Of course I am upset about it.  You had sex with him and that hurts more than I thought.  I think it would be best if I could think about this.  Just get my chair out so I can go inside to my PT session."  She gets out and gets my chair ready and I slid in.

    "I was so wasted that night I don’t really remember much.  Even if we did have sex I wouldn’t have known, but I really don’t think we did.  Because even though I thought I wanted to be with Aiden in my heart I was still with you.  I was confused, but not enough to sleep with him."  What, I thought she just said they did have sex. 

    "What about Kyla, she said she heard things and that you were all over each other all the time."  I ask not totally believing her.

    "She heard us fooling around and yeah we did stuff, but no sex.  I thought that is what I needed to do.  My mom started to be at the house and I mainly did stuff with him there so she thought I was ‘straightened out’.  Please don’t let this get in the way Spencer, it meant nothing to me."  She begs not letting me get by her.

    "Well it means something to me.  I just don’t know how to deal with this.  Let me deal with it and I will call you about it when I figure it out.  I just need to think Ashley."

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