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    Invisible – (Chapter: 2)

    “Spencer, you have an interview with Sporty Sports today at 3:00.” Erin said as she entered my office.


    “What is this concerning?” I said taking a bite of my salad I was having for breakfast.


    “Some article about the only straight tennis-”


    I choked on my salad as I realized what she just said. “Miss Carlin, are you okay?” She said rushing to me patting my back lately.


    “I’m fine, I’m fine.” I said waving her away. “So it’s about me being the only straight tennis player?” I asked.


    “Yes ma’am.”


    “Well I guess that’s going to go down the drain then.” I said in my head.


    “You know what, Erin. Can I tell you something?”


    “Sure, Miss Carlin, you can tell me anything.”


    “Thanks, so, I’m actually not the only straight tennis player.” I said smiling.


    “You mean there’s another straight tennis player other than you!” She screamed up and down.


    I shook my head in disappointment. “No, no, I’m not a straight tennis player.”


    She stopped jumping and looked at me. “Your not straight.”


    “Sure I’m straight, as straight as a freakin’ rainbow.”


    “Why Miss Carlin why are you still in the closet.” She asked sweetly. I suppose she was okay about it.


    “Because stupid Jason told me if I would to come out my career wouldn’t be much of a career anymore.


    “That really sucks.”


    “Tell me about it.”


    “Well, Miss Carlin. You can talk to me about anything. Any girl problems I’m all ears.”


    “Your not so bad after all.”


    “So are you still going to do the interview?”


    “Yeah tell them I’ll be glad to meet them…wait scratch that. I’ll call them myself. Can you get me the number?” She nodded and quickly and rushed to her table to get the number. She came back, handed me the small piece of paper and left.


    I dialed the number and listened.


    “Sporty Sports Magazine, how may I help you?” The receptionist said happily.


    “Yes may I speak to the manager or your boss or whatever you call it.”


    “Mr. Shay Crawford?”


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