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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: One)


     Save Me, My Lover


    Before I knew it, I was being punched in the face. I didn’t see it coming, or else I would have moved away from her. I’ve never seen her like this before…she used to be so…nice and gentle. I guess my fiancée was right. It was at this moment I wished that she was here, so that she could stop this girl.


    “Get up,” she snarled.


    “Listen….” I began, but before I could get the words out, I felt her fist again. My body jerks back, reacting from this intrusion. My hand latches onto my eye, trying to eliminate the pain, but it doesn’t work.


    “Get up dam nit!” She yells again, this time moving close to my body and grabbing me by my shirt. She roughly brings me forward and then shoves me back, causing me to hit my head on the floor. It hurt.


    My body is becoming weak from all these attacks. I let my eyes close because I am too feeble to stop them. When I open them again, some time later, I see her standing over me with a kitchen knife in her hand. She stares, looks me straight in the eyes and says, “Move, go ahead, I dare you.”


    There was no use fighting her. She was a few inches taller then me and just overall bigger then me. She had at least 50-60 pounds on me. She was a basketball player. She was strong, toned.


    “Please,” I beg, trying my best to plead with this monster, “Just leave me alone, please….”


    I can feel tears run down my face I’m not sure if she sees them or not, but if she does, they obviously don’t effect her. She leans forward and hits me one last time. I groan in pain and lay back on the floor.


    “This is your fault,” she snickers as I feel her hands grabbing the hem of my shirt, “Don’t act like you don’t want this.” And with that I felt her raise my shirt. Even though I am feeling weak, I desperately try to stop her, but I fail. She gets a hold of my hands and pins me down. “Stop. Fucking. Moving.” She demands before hitting me once again.

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    1. I have all the sympathy in the world for rape victims. What I don’t have sympathy for are the rape victims who don’t turn their accusers in to the proper authorities. Even if its their word against the accuser, there’s a record of the attack. Plus, Spencer is the daughter of a social worker and a doctor and knows what should be done in this type of situation. I want to feel for her but if she chooses to self-destruct she can blame herself and her rapist for her downfall because it doesn’t have to end up that way.

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