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    Possible Side Effects May Include…(Numero Dos)


    Spencer was lying in Ashley’s bed, wide awake, as she had been for the past 45 minutes.  The brunette continued to sleep peacefully, snuggled up against her.  She ticked off a list of reasons why she couldn’t sleep

    Okay, she thought, reason number one, I got zero sleep last night and I’m on a second wind. Reason number two, I just had sex with Ashley. Shit. Do I regret it? I don’t know. Wait, of course I don’t regret it. I love her but maybe she thinks it was a mistake?


    Spencer looked over at the girl next to her, a sleepy smile on her face.  I don’t think she regrets it, Spencer thought. God she looks so sexy like that…And just like that reason number three came crashing into the forefront of her mind…I’m still horny as hell.


    The blonde still had know idea what happened to her this morning, all she knew was that the more she thought about it, the worse it got. And then, for the second time that day, Spencer’s hand began tracing circles on her abs, moaning as her other hand moved upward, cupping her own breast.


    Then her hand dipped even lower, into her own wetness and began brushing lightly against her clit. “Oh…fuck,” she sighed.  Her other hand continued to massage her breast, pincher her nipples every once in a while. “Ashley!” she gasped as she thrust two fingers into her dripping core.  Her back was arched and her eyes closed, but they snapped open as she heard something between a moan and a growl from her left. 


    Looking over, she saw herself staring into eyes that were the darkest shade of brown she had ever seen, almost black. “SHIT!” Spencer yelped as the pulled the sheet up over her head, blushing immensely.  “Ashley…I um I th-thought you were still uh….asleep,” she stammered.  Ashley’s voice was husky when she answered.  “I was, but I’m glad I woke up,” she said while laying full on top of Spencer, who gasped at the contact.  “So why don’t you come back out here and finish what you started.”


    Ashley pulled the sheet off of Spencer, and kissed her hard, biting on her lower lip.  “Come on Spence,” she said, “I know you were close.”  Spencer began grinding her center into Ashley’s leg, “then why don’t you help me finish.”

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