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    Possible Side Effects May Include…

    “I’m glad everything’s ok,” she said. 

    “Me too. Thanks for the ride, Ash,” Spencer said as she went to get out of the car.  Then she stopped and wrapped Ashley in a tight hug.  “Thank you for being there.”

    “I …um…of course.”  She regained her composure.  “Any time.”


    It was now 3 in the morning and Spencer had just brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas, and flopped into bed.  But she couldn’t sleep, not with everything that happened today.  Chelsea’s baby, the only little piece of Clay left…God,  she thought, if anything happened to her…and then she smiled…she was going to have a niece!


    And then there was Ashley.  Would they have kissed if that music-what’s-his-face hadn’t interrupted them.  Did Spencer want that?  Ashley did. ”Spencer, I still want more.”

    Those words had been stuck in her head all night.  Ashley.  Spencer missed what they had, how could she not? And she missed Ashley, her smile, how easy it was to make her laugh.  Not to mention all the other….aspects….of their relationship.


     Spencer could feel how much she missed that, as her hand unconsciously began tracing circles on her abs, just like Ashley would do.  “Mmm…Ash,” she murmured. Her right hand continued to drift lower, as her left hand moved up and cupped her breast.  She could feel how wet she was, and she knew it was because she had been thinking of Ashley.  Spencer plunged to fingers deep inside her self, moaning like crazy, moaning only one ting “Ashley…”  She was so close, just a little more…and… BUZZZ!!!

    It was six am and the alarm clock just went up. “Ugh……no no no no!!” Spencer cried. 


    “SPENCER! Are you up?” Paula yelled up the stairs

     “Mom there is nooo way I’m going to school today!” Spencer yelled back

    The room to her door flung open “What do you mean you’re not going! Of course you’re going,” her mother said. 

    “Mom please,” she begged, “I got like 30 minutes of sleep last night.”

    “Well, I’ve seen you function on less, “Paula said. “And besides you can’t be missing school, your grades can’t afford it”

    “What are you talking about? I have straight as!”

    “Spencer. I said no.”

    “Fucking stupid bitch,” she whispered under her breath.

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