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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: Neighbors)

    By the time first hour was over my nerves had managed to kick into high gear. When the bell rang I managed to pried myself out of my chair. Kyla showed me to my next class. Going on about something. Guess I wasn’t really listening. Most of the time I just followed her, dug my hands deeper into my pockets, and stared at the floor avoiding eye contact with everyone. But my bad posture was the last thing on my mind. I couldn’t get Ashley out of my head. There was something about her, I think at least. She just seemed different than everybody else. But how the hell should I really know? I’ve said like three words to her, and she probably thinks I’m a freak. Fuck!

    Second hour I went to take my seat I slipped and missed my chair. At least this time I managed to catch myself before I ended up completely on the ground. She showed me to the rest of classes. Fourth hour was over and it was lunch. Thank God.

    I followed Kyla out of the classroom and to the cafeteria full of voices and faces. It was one of those places where you practically had to scream to have a conversation with the person right next to you. Teachers stood around trying there best to bring down the volume decimal. It seemed like every few steps I’d stumble a little and have to catch myself. I felt out of place so all I could do was stare at these people with envy. They knew who they were. They knew what they wanted. They weren’t me…

    “You want to sit with me and the cheerleading squad?” Kyla inquired biting her lip. She could tell I was a little clueless at the moment.

    “Sure, that’d be great,” I answered. Talking is not my thing today. We sat down at a table in the center of the cafeteria, and soon the table filled up with your stereotypical preps. I didn’t even have to try to figure out who the squad captain was.

    Madison practically commanded the attention of every girl there, and the guy I saw first hour was right next to her. Judging from the way they were talking, I think it was a pretty safe assumption to say they were dating. Sitting with them was almost torture. I didn’t fit in, and it stood out more than ever. Silently I scanned the room for Ashley. She sat in a corner by herself listening to her Ipod. God wish I was over there right now. I zoned out a little bit and started looking around. I started to notice the different tables and how you could pick out just about every group by where they sat. A couple of the tables in the center of the cafeteria were jocks, the tables next to them were the preppy chicks (where I was sitting I‘m going to have to find a new table) , the tables around them were either preppy guys, semi popular kids, or wannabes. The tables lying around the outskirts of the cafeteria were outcasts, burnouts, or people who just stuck to their own group. Ashley was right next to the window, but I liked that.

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    1. This story is soooo awesome, Spence isnt miss goody two shoes, and she’s a song writer and can play th guitar, that awesome. She’s sooooo much hotter and really mysterious now, who doesnt love that. PMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. This story is soooo awesome, Spence isnt miss goody two shoes, and she’s a song writer and can play th guitar, that awesome. She’s sooooo much hotter and really mysterious now, who doesnt love that. PMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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