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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: One Man Drinking Games)

    Ch 3



    Half a bottle of wine and a whole bottle of scotch later, I’m feeling pretty good. And by pretty good, I mean I’m pretty tipsy. Ash isn’t as bad as me though. She always could hold her liquor better than I could.


    “You sleepy yet Spence,” She asks, looking at me through slightly glazed eyes.


    “Nope,” I reply, leaning back against her head board. We’ve been sitting in her bed for the past hour and a half, and I keep ever so slowly inching myself closer to her.  I think it’s the alcohol making me bolder, but at this point I don’t really care what motivates me,  as long as I’m close to her.


    “Do you want me to give you the chills?” She asks, turning to face me again.


    “No, but I’ll give you a back rub if you want.” If its one thing I know, it’s that Ashley Davies cannot resist a back rub.  They’re her version of the chills, she loves them.


    “Really Spence?” she asks. She looks surprised. I nod my head yes. “You’re amazing!” She sighs, rolling onto her stomach.


    “I know I know,” I say, smiling as I try to climb onto her back. I end up straddling her butt, wobbling slightly.  “Ash, lose the shirt. It’s hindering my massaging capabilities.” She just stares at me over her shoulder.





    Holy Christ. She just told me to take my shirt off. Ok. Calm down Davies. You’ve been in front of her in nothing but your underwear before. It’s just like wearing a bathing suit. But Holy shit. We’ve had so many close calls tonight. And now the thing with Aiden plus she’s pretty much drunk off her ass. And I’m not. I don’t want to feel like I’m taking advantage of her. And I don’t want her to do this only because she’s upset about the Aiden and Madison, or because she probably won’t remember it tomorrow.


    What is this though? It’s nothing. Just a backrub. She’s done it a billion times before. Nothing’s changed.Right. So I sit up and take my shirt off and move my hair off of my back.


    “Hokay,” she says, slurring slightly, “One Spencer Carlin back rubbbssupreme coming right up!”  And then she starts rubbing my back. At first she just runs her hands up and down it, sending shivers down my spine. I bury my head into the pillow in front of me to try to stifle the moan that’s working its way up my throat. “Mmmm Spence that feels so good.” I can’t help it. She’s so thick sometimes though, she has absolutely no idea what she does to me. 

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    1. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    2. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

    3. man i feel bad for ash in the fact that spencer was drunk while doing those things and sad for spencer cuz she needed to the intoxication to allow her to do what she really wants to do.

    4. woah. poor ashley .. that blows. damn! it’s like .. im happy they kissed but, sad because spencer was drunk. ugh! awesome update though!! great job! PMS

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