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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rambo)

    Ch 4



    It’s been about a week since the “incident” at Ashley’s and for the most part everything is back to normal. Although she has been a little more distant, Ash has pretty much followed my lead and acted like nothing happened. I’ve been using my inebriated state as an excuse, and have been pretending that I don’t remember anything. She can see right through me though. We both remember.


    I think she thinks that it was a mistake, that I only did it because I was upset about Aiden, or because I was drunk. Maybe the alcohol helped take away some of my inhibitions, but that’s it. If it was a mistake it’s the best one I ever made. She has to know that, right?





    So we haven’t talked about it. At all. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I want to bring it up so bad. I need to tell her that I don’t regret it. And I don’t care if she was drunk or if she thinks it’s a mistake because I don’t. But I’m afraid she’ll get scared, and that she’ll pull away. So I just go along with her bull shit and we pretend that she doesn’t remember.


    I remember, though. How could I forget it? All we did was kiss, and it was the most turned on I’d been in my entire life. If I hadn’t slept on the couch downstairs, there’s no telling what I would’ve ended up doing if I was in the same bed as her.  I still had to “take care of myself” later that night, and I thought about her the entire time.


    Usually I try to avoid letting Spencer wander into my head when I masturbate, because any fantasies I conjure up usually come back to bite me in the ass the next time I see her.  I remember one time I had a steamy little day dream about her in her school uniform, and because I see her in that outfit every day, I had trouble being around her for about a week.


    But anyway, we’ve just been acting like it didn’t happen. The story that she’s been using is that she was upset about Aiden and Madison. Which brings us to where we are right now.

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    1. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    2. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    3. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

    4. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    5. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    6. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

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