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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Miserable at Best)

    Ch 6


    I don’t know what to expect when I walk into my house. I know my Dad’s already asleep, so Glen wouldn’t have said anything to him. Not that it would have mattered, my Dad’s great, we got a lot closer after my brother, Clay, died in the school shooting last year. My feelings for Ashley are the only thing I haven’t told him, and that’s really only because I’m still pretty confused about them myself. I think he knows though, because he’s always extra nice to her and lets us have sleepovers whenever, which is something I had to beg my mom for when she still lived with us.


    I walk inside and I don’t see Glen. For a moment I think I might have been let off the hook, but no such luck.


    “Spence?” He says quietly from the back deck, “can you come here?” His voice is softer than before, and I’m less nervous.


    “What’s up?” I ask, sitting next to him on the bench swing in our back yard. He’s pulling the branches out of his hat, but he stops to look at me.


    “Spencer….I don’t…I’m not sure how to say this to you. So I’m just going to come out with it, and we’ll go from there ok?” I nod my head, too nervous for what’s coming next to speak. “I think…well I know that umm…ok. I’m still in love with Ashley.”





    “Hey Ky,” I say, plopping down next to her on her bed.


    “Mmmmm,” She grunts. “Ashley. Sleeping. Go away.”


    “No. We need to talk. It’s about Spencer.”


    “Ok fine,” She relents, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.


    Kyla’s great like that. She’s always there for me, and she’s the only family I have left. After my dad died, about three years ago, my mom kind of went on a tailspin. She was bringing home different guys every night, drinking, drugs – the works. So after a while she just left. She said she couldn’t handle me and Ky anymore. It hurt, but we’re more than capable of taking care of ourselves because our dad left us a boatload of money. No wait, more like 8 boatloads.

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    1. you cant do that glen can do that, ashley can go with glen I mean i hope she doesnt that would totally mess up everything they worked on up until now that would destroy spencer and ashley’s some what of a relationship

    2. you would have to be on some major acid to go back to glen or even date him period rather then spence. glen is a dum dum i hope he falls out of a big tree and dies. well maybe not but spashley was getting somewhere and now this. gahhh anyways love it!!!!!!

    3. you cant do that glen can do that, ashley can go with glen I mean i hope she doesnt that would totally mess up everything they worked on up until now that would destroy spencer and ashley’s some what of a relationship

    4. you would have to be on some major acid to go back to glen or even date him period rather then spence. glen is a dum dum i hope he falls out of a big tree and dies. well maybe not but spashley was getting somewhere and now this. gahhh anyways love it!!!!!!

    5. Um, yea, kind of threw a monkey wrench into the works. I dont want glen to get hurt, but I’d MUCH rather see Spashley togehter. Great story, PMASAP!!!!!!

    6. Um, yea, kind of threw a monkey wrench into the works. I dont want glen to get hurt, but I’d MUCH rather see Spashley togehter. Great story, PMASAP!!!!!!

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