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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Ready to Fall)



    Ch 10


    Spencer Carlin is lying on top of me and kissing me like the world is about to end. And it’s not just “make out session” kissing, it’s the kind of kissing that leads somewhere. I’m pretty sure I know where we’re headed, and when I realize it, I freeze.


    “Spencer,” I say, trying to break the kiss, “Spencer wait.”


    “MmmMmm,” She says, biting down gently on my bottom lip. “No talking” I really don’t want her to stop, and maybe our talk can wait. Then she rocks her hips into mine, making me groan and I completely agree with her.  “Okay,” I gasp, “No talking.”


    We continue to kiss for I don’t know how long, and I don’t care either. It could have been ten minutes or ten hours, and it wouldn’t have made a difference because all that matters to me right now is Spencer.


    Her mouth leaves mine and I’m about to protest when I feel her run her tongue down my neck to my collarbone. “Oh fuck Spence,” I gasp, and I can feel her smiling into my skin.  She finds my pulse point, and bites down on it. She feels so fucking good. Then the kisses start to move up my neck and I feel her take my earlobe into her mouth, biting down gently on it. “Spencerr,” I hiss, my hips bucking involuntarily.


    “Ashley I want you so fucking bad,” she growls, and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Our lips find each other again, tongues dueling for dominance briefly before she moves back down to my neck, nipping at it and marking me as hers. Deft fingers remove my shirt and she stares down at me. I suddenly realize I don’t have a bra on. Spencer has already figured that out, and she’s just staring down at me, not blinking and not looking scared like before. In fact, she looks more confident than I’ve ever seen her.


    Once again, I realize where this is going and as badly as I want her I don’t want it to be like this, so I sit up. She stays in my lap, looking at me quizzically. “Why’d you stop?” She asks, her voice is husky and she’s out of breath and it takes all my strength and self control to not throw her back down on my bed.

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    1. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

    2. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

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