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    Been A While – (Chapter: Two)



    Chapter Two


    I swear to god, my heart and my brain stopped functioing at that very moment. I must have looked ridiculous because my mouth was hanging open and I was merely just gawking at the older version of my lover. It’s one of those freak things. Who’d ever thought I’d see Spencer Carlin again?

    Since my mind was racing like crazy, I couldn’t decide what to do. It’s not like I can hug her or anything, it’s not like you’re seeing an old friend because old friends still care about you. But with Spencer, I know she doesnt care. She went out of her way to get me out of her life. She was the one who completely isolated me.

    Her face looked pretty much the same, in fact, all of her looked pretty much the same, except she had this older and wiser thing going on. Yet, I couldnt help but notice that she looked angry. It was written all over her face, I should just walk away and ignore her, like shes done to me the past few years, but I really don’t believe I could force my body to leave this situation. I just want to stand here and gaze at this site before me forever.

    Right when she looked like she was about to run away again, I hear footsteps coming from behind. The music from the party became more clear so I knew that someone had opened the door. Yet, I don’t take my vision off of Spencer. It’s like there could be a twister approaching, and I wouldnt move.


    The sound of a girl screaming broke into my mind. When I turn around, I see that chick again. The one that was bugging out over Aiden and myself. I lower my eyebrows and watch as she practically falls down the steps. She isnt drunk, or at least not that drunk, but she sure is in a hurry, so she just about falls flat on her face coming out.

    "Spencer," I finally get the courage to say something.

    She turns away from me, so that she can focus on the other girl. I have no idea why she hates me so much.

    When the girl stops in front of us, she must recognize who I am (after all, it did just happen), because she stops dead in her tracks and gives me that look. I smile, because there is nothing else to do. I cannot believe that I almost got raped and found my old sweetheart in a matter of hours.

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    1. You have me in tears. My g/f is askin me what is wrong. I can’t believe Spencer. I am completely flabbergasted. If I were Ashley, I would let Spencer live in the hell she created for herself. Ashley should just move on. Spencer is a bitch, and right now..I can’t stand her. PMS

    2. i’d say that ash should leave and forget about spencer and let her live in what she’s created but that would make ashley unhappy as well so she needs to get to the bottom of why this is all happening and get her spencer back and not the one she faced tonight

    3. wow, this version of spencer is pretty cold, i was quite surprised with the ‘dyke’ comment, seriously, that was low… PMS please!

    4. I agree with everyone else, why is Spencer pretending that her and Ash didn’t have something going on. Well whatever it is I hope she ditches Aiden and her air head friend and goes back to Ashley, pms this stroy rocks =]

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