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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Higher Tension)



    Ch 12



    She pushes herself off the wall and starts to walk us over to the bed, my knees buckle as soon as they hit it and I fall back into a half sitting position, just staring up at her. She sees me eyeing her and a low growl comes from her throat. She runs her hand through her hair quickly before pushing me down all the way and then she climbs on top of me, straddling my waist and looking at me as though she is about to devour me. I can’t wait.



    We’ve been kissing for a while, and she’s driving me absolutely crazy.  She does this thing where she’ll bite my lip every few minutes, and then run her tongue over it and just that one little thing is making me absolutely crave her. I need to feel her.


    I move down her jaw line to her neck, and begin to suck and bite it gently, until I find her pulse point.


    “Fuck. Ashley,” she moans. I think she’s trying to kill me. Death by arousal. It’s possible.


    I move one of my hands down to her t-shirt and slowly begin to slide my hand underneath it, reveling in the soft, warm skin. I trace circles around her belly button and abs and then continue upward, but as soon as I reach the bottom of her breast, I feel her freeze.


    I quickly take my hand away and pull back from her neck so I can see her.


    “Spence, you okay?”


    She keeps her eyes closed for a moment, and then opens them as she takes in a deep breath. “Ash…I-I don’t know.”


    She’s not ready. As much as I hate it, I’m not going to push her.  “Ok. We can just watch the movie if you want.”


    I move to get off of her, but before I can she grabs my wrist, pulling me back on top of her.


    “Ashley, I do not want to watch a movie,” She’s looking at me intently and her voice is low, and I think hearing Spencer talk when she’s turned on is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.  Then her gaze softens. “I just don’t…I don’t know what I’m doing.” She looks down at the bed, so lean over and whisper in her ear.

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