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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture)

    Ch 13


    “No Spencer,” I growl, “My turn.”





    As soon as she says that, she attacks my neck with her mouth, biting and sucking on it. She’s being rough, and I’m definitely going to have more that a few marks on my neck. But I love it, it’s like she’s claiming her territory. It’s so hot.


    She finds my pulse point and bites down on it. My hips involuntarily arch into her and a moan escapes my mouth. “Mm Ashley” She lifts her head up briefly and smirks at me before returning to her ministrations.


    I want her so bad. Touching her earlier, running my hands all over her body, it got me so unbelievably hot. I love her body. Her muscles are so toned, especially in her arms and I could spend all day staring at her abs….or just touching them, or licking th- “Ooohh,” she finds another spot on my neck that drives me completely wild. I know my underwear is soaked right now and she has barely done anything.


    Then she slowly begins to move her hand up my stomach, bringing my tank top with her. But unlike earlier I don’t freeze up, instead I arch my back slightly, making it easier for her. She pulls me up and takes the rest of the shirt off. She pushes me back down on the mattress and stares down at me. I get self conscious and she immediately picks up on it.


    “You are so fucking gorgeous, Spencer.”


    Then she dips down and takes my nipple into her mouth, massaging the other one with her hand. “Oh God Ash… fuck,” Ok so my ability to talk coherently has kind of gone out the window.


    She does this for a while, switching back and forth and my whole body is on fire. “Ash…Ashley…” I pant. She stops and quickly kisses me before pulling away. Her fingers leave my breast and travel down to my stomach, just tracing lazy circles on my abs.


    “Are you okay? Am I going to fast? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to Spence I just –“


    For like the millionth time tonight I have to silence her ramblings with my lips. Not that I’m complaining. I pull back after a few seconds and she just stares at me curiously, breathing hard. “You’re not going to fast Ashley,” as soon as I say that I feel her fingers leave my stomach and move to my chest again. Another moan leaves escapes my mouth and I try to gather my thoughts. “You…you’re going….” I take in a deep breath. “I want more Ash….please. I need you,”   My voice breaks halfway through the sentence, and again her hand stills on my breast and she looks at me intently.

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