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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Home Invasion)


    Ch 16



    I wake up the next morning with Spencer wrapped up in my arms, her head on my chest. She looks so peaceful.  Suddenly I hear the front door slam.


    “Spence!? Ashley!?” Someone yells.


    “Glen go away,” Spencer mutters, still asleep. “I don’t know where the nail polish is,” Shit! Glen! Wait…nail polish? What the fuck?


    Spencer realizes it at the same time, because she suddenly sits bolt upright “GLEN!” she tires to quickly get out of bed, but gets tangled in the sheets and falls on her ass. I laugh in spite of myself and she just glares at me.


    “Where are you guys?” we hear him yell. From the sound of his voice, I can tell he’s at the bottom of the stairs.


    “Fuck! Ashley put some clothes on!” Spencer hisses at me. I jump out of bed and quickly throw on some boxers and a sweatshirt, and toss her some pj pants and a t-shirt. I shove the clothes from last night into the closet, and yell “We’re in my room!”


    Within seconds he flings the door open. “Hey guys! What’s up?” He says cheerfully.


    “What are you doing here, Glen,” Spencer growls. And I add “And since when are you a morning person? And how did you get in here? Carlin if you broke a window I swear to God…”


    “Whoa calm down ladies. Okay one- I’m here because I wanted to see if you guys wanted to go down to the water park, they just opened a new ride…the Black Hole! And two you’re front door was unlocked. You’re lucky it’s me and not some whacko serial killer. And three I’m not a morning person…it’s like 12:30. How late were you guys up last night?”


    “Uhhh….”Spencer starts


    “Not that late!” I interrupt “just watching movies till like 1ish. You know…” I’ve never told a worse lie in my life, but he buys it.


    “So do you want to go?” He asks. I look at Spence and she just shrugs.


    “Sureeee,” I say. “But Glen can I just talk to you really quick?


    “Yeah sure,” he says, and I lead him out into the hallway. Spencer looks at me quizzically, so I stop just outside my door and leave it open. His back is to the room so he can’t see Spencer.

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    1. *hmmm maybe you should get sick more often….. nah*what did spence actually expect to happen if she tells ash to keep seeing glen. of course glens going to keep acting like they’re still going out. great update!!!pms!!!

    2. okay spence doesn’t really have a right to glare at ashley when she told her not to break up with him but i do understand she’ll still be jealous pms

    3. spencer’s kind of stupid if you ask me. but hey…i’m not bashing your story. can’t wait for the next post. it was cute that ashley was that quick to break up with glen. she must really love spence.

    4. Well, this isn’t going to be good. Spencer should of let Ash break up with him. It’s better she does that than him catching them. Great update! PMS!!!

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